July 8, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board template
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence
Ernest Beckstrom – Mathematics Teacher and Tutor 1966 to Present
2. Approval of Minutes - June 3, 2009 Regular Meeting and June 17, 2009 Special Meeting
3. Committee Reports
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Personnel
4.1.a. Administrator Resignation - Effective June 30, 2009
Kerry Jones – SSS – Assistant Principal
4.1.b. Administrative Hire - Effective July 22, 2009
Steven Woznicki – JJJ – Principal
4.1.c. Teacher Resignation - Effective June 30, 2009
Stephen Brookes – BEHS – Music, Band
4.1.d. New Teachers Hired - Effective August 24, 2009
Debra Moreau – MBMS – Social Studies Norma Nieves – BEHS – Spanish Sonya Stemmer – WW – English |
4.1.e. A-3 Teacher Resignations - Effective June 30, 2009
Latanya Farrell – CHMS – Instructional Resource Coordinator |
4.1.f. A-3 Teacher Appointments - Effective August 24, 2009
Joseph Capitanni – CHMS – Co-Instructional Resource Coordinator Corey Nagle – CHMS – Co–Instructional Resource Coordinator Susan Paradis – MBMS – Language Arts Curriculum Coordinator |
4.1.g. Coaching Resignations
Brandt Nigro – Asst. Girls Swim & Dive Coach – BEHS, eff.: 6/12/09 Cassie Stanz – Asst. Girls Soccer Coach – BEHS, eff.: 6/2/09 |
4.1.h. Coaching Appointment
John Stavens – Athletic Coordinator – BEHS – Effective 7/01/09 |
4.2.a. Start on Success
Funds used to pay student work stipends. SOS was orginally funded by NOD to provide transition work expereicne for disabled students. The program has received $510.79 for the 2008-2009 school year:
$400.00 Healthrax Work $110.79 Breakfast Business during Summer School |
4.2.b. Adult Education Grant Award
The State Dept. has issued a check for $1,300 to Bristol Adult Education for successful collaboration in CT Virtual High School. In addition, $6,786 has been granted to Bristol Adult Education as a result of the redistribution of unused state grant monies in Adult Education. These monies are earmarked for Adult Education but do not need to be spent within the same fiscal year.
4.2.c. O'Connell School Family Resource Center
The extension/continuation grant for the Family Resource Center at O’Connell School will permit the FRC to continue services to families and students. O’Connell FRC has been operating for the past eleven years providing seven components of service including preschool playgroups and programming, school age care, Parents As Teachers home visiting program, home daycare provider training and support, adult education support, positive youth development and resource & referral services. Almost 400 O’Connell School students and family members have the opportunity to participate in one or more of the components of the Family Resource Center. The FRC sends one staff member to Cubs Corner to assist with mentoring, homework help and a variety of age appropriate activities. In all of these programs there is a close working relationship with the O’Connell School staff and as a result there is improved communication between the school, family and community. This is an extension- continuation grant for one year grant for $97,200 allocation for FY10: July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010.
4.2.d. South Side School Family Resource Center Grant
The extension/continuation grant for the Family Resource Center at South Side School will permit the FRC to continue services to families and students. South Side School FRC has been operating for the past thirteen years providing seven components of service including preschool playgroups and programming, school age care, Parents As Teachers home visiting program, home daycare provider training and support, adult education support, positive youth development and resource & referral services. Almost 600 South Side School students and family members have the opportunity to participate in one or more of the components of the Family Resource Center. The after school program in partnership with the Family Center provides mentoring, homework help and a variety of age appropriate activities. In all of these programs there is a close working relationship with the South Side School staff and as a result there is improved communication between the school, family and community. The continuation grant for one year for $97,200 allocations for FY10: July1, 2009 – June 30, 2010. |
4.2.e. Quality Enhancement Grant for South Side & O'Connell School FRC's
The Quality Enhancement Grant is being submitted to the Bristol School Readiness Council for the purpose of enhancing the services provided by the Family Resource Centers (FRC) at O'Connell and South Side Schools. The FRCs are charged with the responsibility of providing comprehensive family support services and building a strong school-family-community partnership that strengthens healthy family living. This grant request supports the Kith and Kin Services program ($3182) and the Comprehensive Family Services program ($4,155). The Kith and Kin Services program is a childcare practice supported by the Bristol School Readiness Grant. Kith & Kin refers to families using informal childcare arrangements between or among relatives, friends and neighbors. These families receive training and materials for support through a variety of programs. The Comprehensive Family Services program supports mentoring for latchkey students, parenting workshops, parent leadership workshops, health fair bags to be distributed to families with preschoolers and free books for preschoolers. The grant funds assist in the continuation of these programs that are consistent with the basic goals of the FRCs.
4.2.f. Seamless Learning Grant
This grant proposal is for funds to provide educational and basic needs services to students in Bristol, who are or become homeless. These funds are used to meet needs for tutoring, clothing, school supplies, and other basic needs.
This grant requires a match of $9000 that may include other grant funds. The application is for $30,000 of federal funding plus $9000 of matched funding. An additional $310 is awarded by the State Department for program evaluation purposes. |
4.2.g. Title I Part A - Improving Basic Programs Grant
The Title I funds awarded to Bristol consist of two Federal funding streams, which are the “Title I Regular” funds and the “Title I ARRA” (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) funds. Title I, Part A funds (Title I Regular and Title I ARRA) are to be used to provide additional academic support and learning opportunities to help low-achieving children master challenging curricula and meet state standards in core academic subjects. The eligibility for Title I ARRA funds is largely based on federal Census poverty data in the formula the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) uses to allocate Title I Regular funds. The intent of Congress was to send additional Title I funds to higher poverty districts. Title I ARRA funds are to be used specifically to improve student achievement through school improvement and reform. ARRA requires that progress be made on improvements in teacher effectiveness and in the equitable distribution of qualified teachers for all students, particularly students who are most in need; and in the provision of intensive support and effective interventions for the lowest-performing schools.
Bristol will receive a total of $3,050,378 in Title I, Part A funds. This grant consists of two separated grant allocations - $1,620,873 for Title I Regular funds and $1,429,505 in Title I ARRA funds. All Title I, Part A statutory and regulatory requirements apply to Title I ARRA funds. Title I funds are to be used to supplement, not supplant non-federal funds. |
4.2.h. ARRA IDEA Grant Section 611
AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 (ARRA) The purpose of this Supplemental IDEA, Part B, Sections 611 grant is to provide the stimulus funds from the ARRA to Local Education Agencies to assist with the excess costs of providing special education and related services to children with disabilities (as defined in 34 C.F.R. Sections 300.16 and 300.202). Amounts provided to the local education agency (LEA) must be expended in accordance with the applicable conditions as stated in the Act, 34 C.F.R. Section 300.202; The grant period is February 17, 2009 to June 30, 2011 at which time all grant funds must be expended. |
4.2.i. ARRA IDEA Grant Section 619
AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 (ARRA) The purpose of this Supplemental IDEA, Part B, Sections 619 grant is to provide the stimulus funds from the ARRA to Local Education Agencies to assist with the excess costs of providing special education and related services to preschool aged children with disabilities (as defined in 34 C.F.R. Sections 300.16 and 300.202). Amounts provided to the local education agency (LEA) must be expended in accordance with the applicable conditions as stated in the Act, 34 C.F.R. Section 300.202; The grant period is February 17, 2009 to June 30, 2011 at which time all grant funds must be expended. |
4.3.a. Municipal Corporation Credit Card Resolution
Certain companies that the Board of Education does business with will only accept credit card purchases. In order to acquire the credit, the Board of Education must authorize the Supervisor of Budgeting and Accounting and the Deputy Superintendent of Schools to sign for these credit purchases.
5. Public Comment
6. Deliberated Items
6.1. Report on Dress Down Days for the 2008-2009 School Year
The Board of Education agreed to waive the staff dress code for monthly dress down days that would benefit students and/or staff. Attached is this year’s list of charities and the monthly amount raised. Staff donated a total of $31,050.50.
7. Textbook Adoption
7.1. Explorations and Topics in Mathematics Textbook Adoption (First Presentation)
The Explorations and Topics in Mathematics course reviews the principles studied in Algebra and further develops those ideas with material from Algebra 2. The course includes topics such as expression, equations, inequalities, functions, linear functions, systems of linear equations and inequalities, exponents and exponential functions, polynomials, and quadratic functions. Relations and functions are explored through real world data and the TI-83+ or TI-84+ graphing calculator technology. This course is intended as a preparation for Algebra 2. In June 2009, a curriculum revision was approved by the Bristol Board of Education. For this reason, a search for a textbook for this course ensued.
The committee of Explorations and Topics in Mathematics is recommending the following textbook for approval:
8. Policy Revision
8.1. #6145.2 Policy Revision (Second Presentation)
9. Old Business
10. New Business
11. Building Committee Reports
Barbara Doyle
Barbara Doyle
1. 2267 Negotiations
2. BAPS Negotiations 3. BESA Negotiations 4. 818 Negotiations |
Barbara Doyle
15. Adjournment
Barbara Doyle