January 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mr. John Burns
2. Roll Call
Mr. John Burns
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mr. John Burns
4. Public Comments
Mr. John Burns
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
5. Recognition of January 2019 Employee of the Month
Mr. John Burns
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Two Transfers
Mr. Steven Rioux
6.A. Transfer from Teachers Salaries To Professional Technical Services
Mr. Steven Rioux
This line item transfer is due to the district's inability to hire a speech pathologist. The district contracted with French River to provide students with speech therapy services. This budget transfer request is moving funds that were allocated for teacher salaries into the account for Pro Tech services, such as French River.
6.B. Transfer from Instructional Equipment to Professional/Technical Services
Mr. Steven Rioux
A transfer $10,000 form Instructional Equipment to Professional/Technical Services is needed to fund anticipated and non-anticipated recommended outside evaluations through PPT for the 2018-19 school year.
7. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Transfer into the Unexpended Education Fund Account (non-lapsing account)
Mr. Steven Rioux
Due to the current disbursement of funds from the Unexpended Education Fund Account (non-lapsing account) we will amend our previous contribution request to a revised contribution request of $293,662.
8. Discussion and Possible Approval of the First Reading of Policy #5141.4-Students, Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Assault
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
9. Discussion and Possible Approval of the First Reading of Policy #4111/4211-Personnel, Certified/Non-Certified, Recruitment and Selection
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
10. Discussion and Possible Approval for the First Reading of Policy #5113-Students,Attendance/Excuses/Dismissal
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of the First Reading of Policy #5144.1-Students, Use of Physical Force
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of the First Reading of Policy #5141.21- Students, Administering Medication
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
13. Discussion and Possible Approval of the First Reading of Policy #1325 Community Relations,Advertising and Promotion
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
14. 2019-20 Budget Presentation
Mr. Steven Rioux
15. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding an Employee Sick Bank Request
16. Adjournment
Mr. John Burns