March 12, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mrs. Alexis Rich
2. Roll Call
Mrs. Alexis Rich
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Mrs. Alexis Rich
4. Citizen's Comments
Mrs. Alexis Rich
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
5. Recognition of Visitors
Mrs. Alexis Rich
5.A. Folk
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
John Sarantopoulos
7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Zane Cooke and Frantha Phonesavanh
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Kevin Farr
9. FY 2015 Budget Presentation
Mr. Kevin Farr
Presentation of the FY15 Proposed Budget to the Board of Education for their consideration and possible action.
10. Current Budget Update FY 2014
Kevin Farr
Update on status of current FY14 budget and spending as well as discussion by the BOE.
11. Land Use for Dayville Fire Dept. Training
The attachments contain the area necessary for the Fire Training Facility in Rogers on property also occupied by the Goodyear Early Childhood Center. The Board will hear from members of the Dayville FD and consider the option to return control of this portion of the property to the control of the Town of Killingly. It would then be up to the Town Council to move the use to the Fire Dept.
12. Calendar
12.A. District 2014-15 Draft Calendar
The proposed calendar for the 2014-15 School Year is attached. Two professional days are necessary in August before school opens as well as another Professional Development day during the state elections on November 4th. The day before Thanksgiving will be a vacation day instead of a half day. ERD days will remain similar to this year as well, on Friday afternoons. The state has passed a law that all districts must comply with a regional calendar (EASTCONN) by the 15-16 School year. Reasoning is for alignment of transportation and professional development. If anything changes with this law the Board will be updated.
12.B. Modification of 2013-14 Calendar
We would like the Board to consider making June 18th and June 19th professional days in the district.
Capturing Kids Hearts training will then be implemented at the High School for all staff at a considerable savings from summer training. The Elementary and Intermediate Schools will also have staff development on those days as well. The official last day for students would then be June 17th, assuming no further cancellations. |
13. Flexibility For Teacher Evaluation
Mr. Steve Rioux
The KPS Professional Development and Evaluation Committee met on March 5, 2014 and approved the attached flexibility option for the current 2013-2014 evaluation plan. The committee would like to provide teachers and administrators the flexibility to supplement one formal observation for an informal observation.
14. Capital Improvement Plan
The Capital Improvement Plan is part of the Town Budget. Our financial office works with Town Hall to construct the proposals over a five year plan. The district administration and Operations and Maintenance Department Director are also part of the decision making body for this proposal before the Board.
15. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees and Liaisons
Mrs. Alexis Rich
15.A. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Greg Keeley, Brian O'Connell
15.B. Policy
Dave Marcotte
15.B.1. First Reading of Policy # 6200, Adult Education
This policy is being updated in response to legislation that took effect on July 1, 2013 that requires that districts provide Adult Education or enter into a contract with a provider for Adult Education, i.e. EASTCONN.
15.B.2. First Reading of Policy # 6142.10, Health Education Program
This policy is being updated to reflect changes in the law brought about by P.A. 13-173, An Act Concerning Childhood Obesity and Physical Exercise in Schools.
The main components are that all elementary children are guaranteed no less than 20 minutes of physical exercise and that physical exercise at all levels is not used as a discipline tool. |
15.B.3. First Reading of Policy # 0521,Non-discrimination.
This is a mandated policy change due to an opinion from the State of Connecticut and the US Department of Education. This change now mandates that "Boy Scouts of America" be included in all of our non-discrimination statements. The issue is to provide a guarantee of access to our facilities for meeting space. The reference is 20 USC 7905 (Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act contained in "No Child Left Behind Act of 2001).
15.C. Community Engagement Committee
John Burns
15.D. Curriculum Committee
Richard Murray
15.E. CABE, Economical Dev. CCJEF and Other
Richard Murray
15.F. EASTCONN Liaison
Dave Marcotte
15.G. Town Council Liaison
John Burns
15.H. Parks and Recreation Liaison
Hoween Fexer
16. Consent Agenda
Alexis Rich
16.A. February 2014 Financial Report
Mrs. Alexis Rich
16.B. End of the Year Projections
16.C. February 2014 Payments-Checks Issued
Mrs. Alexis Rich
16.D. February 2014 Systems Object Report
16.E. March 2014 Employee of the Month Nominee
16.F. February 12 & 26 2014 BOE Minutes
16.G. March 2014 Student Enrollment
17. Adjournment