October 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Mrs. Alexis Rich
2. Roll Call
Alexis Rich
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Alexis Rich
4. Citizen's Comments
Mrs. Alexis Rich
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
5. Recognition of Visitors
Mrs. Alexis Rich
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
John Sarantopoulos
7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Zane Cooke and Frantha Phonesavanh
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Kevin Farr
At this time the Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent will share specific information to the Board of Education and the Public in the interest of good communication. |
8.A. Approval of 2014 Calendar Year BOE Meeting Dates
Mr. Kevin Farr
As required by law, the Board must approve its regular meeting dates for the next calendar year. The proposed regular meeting dates are attached. As has been our practice, the frist meeting of the month is our business meeting. the list of proposed dates is for 2014. When we develop the school calendar for 2014-15 this spring, we will list anticipated meeting dates for January through June 2015.
8.B. October 1, 2013 Student Enrollment
Kevin Farr
October 1 is the official date for reporting student enrollment to the state for all state reports, ECS aid, and projections. Attached is a report showing the October 1 enrollment compared to the NESDEC projections for this year. I have attached the NESDEC projections as well as our Oct. 1 numbers. All in all this year's actuals are relatively close to the NESDEC projections, except in two categories. The differences at the High School reflect the differences in the credits earned which may place a student as a 9th grader instead of a 10th grader etc. Our actuals in Kindergarten is below the projection, 161 versus 184. This bears watching as we move forward as well. Brooklyn currently has 134 students at KHS 10 of which are Vo-Ag. Our Vo-Ag program currently has 133 students total, 28 from Killingly.
8.C. District Improvement Plan Update and Approval
Mr. Steve Rioux
8.D. RFP Transportation Audit
8.E. NRICS Update/Contract Addendum
8.F. Transportation and Medicaid Report/Audit by Futures Education
9. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees and Liaisons
Mrs. Alexis Rich
9.A. Report from Board Chair
Mrs. Alexis Rich
9.B. Community Engagement Committee
Angela Brower
9.C. Policy Sub-Committee
David Marcotte
9.C.1. Policy #3516 Safety
The policy has not been updated since June 10, 1999. The changes include implementing a written school security and safety plan for each school, based upon the DESSP standards, which includes the addition of several new items to the policy that are recommended by CABE. This is required commencing July 1, 2014, and each school year thereafter. 3516(a), 3516(b) Policy #3516(c) commencing July 1, 2014 each school will have a school security and safety committee under the jurisdiction the Board. All the changes in this policy are due to P.A. 13-3 An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety. |
9.C.2. Policy #3517: Security of Buildings and Grounds as a First Reading
David Marcotte
Policy #3517 was last updated on May 11, 22011. The changes in this policy will bring it in compliance with P.A. 13-3 An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children’s Safety. This policy is no longer called crisis response plans, and it will be based upon the school security and safety plan standards developed by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP).
9.C.3. Policy # 4148a,b,c - 4248:Employee Protection
David Marcotte
The additions (added behind policy #4148 and 4248)to this policy describe what a school security and safety committee is and what their responsibilities will be. The district, when developing this plan will understand and utilize the consistent approach embodied in the National Incident Management system (NIMS) offered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This policy was last updated on May 12, 2004
9.C.4. Policy #5131.911:Hazing/Bullying
David Marcotte
Changes will be added to this policy commencing July 1, 2014, which will include the mental health first aid training provided by the Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services. (Such training is only required once). Also, the safe school climate committee will implement the provisions of the school security and safety plan. Reporting of information relating to instances of disturbing behavior will be addressed to the District Safe School Climate Coordinator and to the school’s security and safety committee.
9.C.5. Policy #2137:Athletic Director and Policy #4115.3: Evaluation of Coaches
David Marcotte
Both are new policies presented to the Board as a first reading . A new State law defines what an Athletic Director is and the certifications they must hold. New standards apply to those hired on or after October 1, 2013. New guidelines exist for the evaluation of coaches. |
9.C.6. Policy #4115:Evaluation
David Marcotte
9.D. Curriculum Sub-Committee
Richard Murray
9.E. CABE, Economic Development Information and Other
Richard Murray
9.F. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Greg Keeley, Brian O'Connell
9.G. Parks and Recreation Liaison
Hoween Flexer
9.H. EASTCONN Liaison
Dave Marcotte
9.I. Board of Education Liaison to the Town Council
Jennifer Hyatt
10. Consent Agenda
Alexis Rich
10.A. October 2013 Employee of the Month Nomination
10.B. September 2013 Payments-Checks Issued
Mrs. Alexis Rich
10.C. Systems Object Report
10.D. September 2013 Financial Report
Mrs. Alexis Rich
10.E. September 11 2013 BOE Minutes
10.F. September 25 2013 BOE Minutes
10.G. KHS Music Competition Field Trip May 1-4. Williamsburg, VA
10.H. International Builders Field Trip Las Vegas Feb. 3-7
10.I. Video Technology Trip to Orlando March 18-24
10.J. Sick Bank Request for Teacher
11. Executive Session for Specific Personnel Matters and KEA Negotiation Discussion
Kevin Farr
12. Adjournment