April 9, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
4.A. Recognize Wrestling Team
The board will be recognizing the wrestling team who won the Class S State Wrestling Championship. Varsity wrestlers who competed were: Thomas Lombardi, John Simoneau, Brandon Thuotte, Eddie Loomis, Tylor Herrick, Zachary Cooke, James Peek, Juan Flores, Nick Herrick, Jonathan Hall, Colin Beloin, Joshua Berube and Zachary Whitehead. Andrew Whitehead had an outstanding season until his injury which prevented him from competing in the State Championship. The team was coached by Rich Bowen and Assistant Coach Todd Cooke.
4.B. Recognition of Board of Education Members
5. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. Reports
7.A. Update: JJAC Student Attendance Consortium
Jan Huber
Jan will update the board on the district's participation in the Attendance Consortium, lessons learned, and current issues in attendance rates.
7.B. NSBA Annual Conference Report - Richard Murray
Richard Murray
Mr. Murray will report on his recent attendance at the National School Board Association's annual conference.
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
8.A. Town Budget Timeline
William Silver
Dates of note for town budget:
- Future Town Council deliberations: April 3, 7, 9 - Public Hearing: Thursday, April 10, 7:30 p.m., KHS - Annual Town Meeting: Monday, May 12, 7:30 p.m., KHS - Budget Referendum: TBD |
8.B. School Security Update
William Silver
Update and timeline for implementation of board approved security upgrades will be shared.
8.C. Building Project Update
William Silver
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Approval of Minutes
9.B. Approval of Bills
9.C. Approval of Employee of the Month
9.D. Approval of Systems Object
9.E. Approval of Summer Food Program
9.F. Approval of Line Item Transfers
The purchase of the new student information system (PowerSchool) and computers and related peripherals for the technology education program at KIS require Board approval for the line item transfers. The attachment details the from-to accounts for the transfers.
10. Action Items
10.A. Approval of 2008-2009 School Calendar
A second draft of the proposed 2008-09 school calendar is presented. As requested, Early Release Days (ERD) are now included in the calendar. Another change is altering the days off on the long Presidents Day weekend from Friday/Monday to Monday/Tuesday (February 16-17). These are the dates being utilized by surrounding districts with a shortened February break (including Brooklyn, Plainfield and Sterling), and thus will save transportation costs (and probably improve attendance) for all districts. Finally, Mr. Costello is recommending Friday, June 19 as the date for high school graduation.
10.B. Approval of First Reading of Policy 5123.2, Credit Recovery
William Silver/Bradford Thompson
A draft of a revised policy is presented, based on the discussion at the March 26 Board meeting.
10.C. Plan Staff Retirement Recognition, Appointment of Ad-hoc Committee
Although no staff members have announced their retirement as of this date, it is likely that some will. In order to start planning for the recognition of our retirees, it is suggested that the Chair appoint members to the ad hoc Retirement Recognition Committee.
10.D. Appointment of Ad-hoc Textbook Review Committee
By statute, the Board is required to approve all textbook purchases. Historically, a sub-committee of the board has reviewed texts recommended by department coordinators and principals. In order to be prepared for the review process, we request that an ad hoc committee be appointed to work with Mr. Thompson to review texts to be recommended to the board for approval.
10.E. Approval of Substitute Pay Rates for 2008-2009
William Silver/Kim Burnham
A list of recommended pay rates for 2008-09 for all classes of substitute/per diem employees (including teachers, instructional assistants, nurses, bus drivers and food service workers) is attached.
10.F. Approval of Second Reading of Policy #6146, Graduation Requirements
11. Report of Board Committees
Policy Personnel Community Engagement Governance CABE EASTCONN Recreation Town Council |
12. Other Informational Items Including Open Action Items
13. Additions to the Agenda
14. Planning Future Activities
15. Executive Session for Negotiations
There will be a need for an executive session to update the board on negotiations with the KEA on the impact of block scheduling.