February 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Each month, the Connecticut State Department of Education recognizes two schools for their month-to-month growth in FAFSA completion rates. I wanted to congratulate the team at Bethel High School for winning the January 2025 Monthly Award for FAFSA Completion! Your school has been recognized for its impressive 22.0 percentage point growth in FAFSA completion, the largest of any FAFSA Challenge high school this month.
As you know, FAFSA completion is a critical postsecondary priority in Connecticut, and we are very proud of schools like yours that are leading the state in supporting students achieve their college and career ambitions. We commend you and your team for your effort and encourage you to keep the momentum up into the next month! Best, John
2.A. Gifts, Grants, & Bequests
Berry School
3. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.A.1. January 16, 2025
3.A.2. January 30, 2025
3.A.3. February 4, 2025
3.A.4. February 6, 2025
3.A.5. February 11, 2025
4. Correspondence
Policy 9326
5. Public Comment
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Comment and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
6.A. Board Chairperson Update
6.B. Administrative Update
6.B.1. Class of 2025 Graduation Date (Pending BOE approval on or after April 1st.)
State statute allows a Board of Education to formally set graduation on or after April 1st. The Administration is recommending Friday, June 13, 2025, as the Graduation Date on Ralph DeSantis Field at 6 PM. Saturday, June 14, 2025, is the rain date. The tentative last day for students will be June 13, 2025 (half-day). The Board will be asked to vote to approve the graduation date at its regular meeting in April. |
6.B.2. 2024-2025 BOE District Data Sheet
Monthly Data - We include in the BOE agenda the monthly data as requested by the BOE.
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
I know you are aware that, even though we just revised it, we are required to have the 2020 edition of the Title IX policy/regulation due to a recent court decision. Due to the fact that we are required to implement it now, we restored our old version which is linked here (regulation). As the Title IX officer, Kristen needs to update it on our website. We will need to formally go back to our old policy also, which is included in this agenda for a first reading.
I wanted to let the Board know because even though I have the authority to change a regulation, I usually always let you know. Regulation 5145.2 |
7.A.2. First Reading
7.A.2.a. Policy/ Regulation 4118.51 - Employee Use of Social Media
Christine Carver
In the December 2024 Shipman Policy update, they indicated that they updated the policy to clarify various uses of employees' social media and those uses that are subject to different consideration under the first amendment. They also revised the policy in response to Lindke v. Freed (2024) in which a public employee might post something that is deemed "mixed use".
Policy 4118.51 Regulation 4118.51 |
7.A.2.b. Policy 4152.6 - Family Medical Leave
Christine Carver
This policy needed to be revised due to Section 18 of Public Act 24-41, requiring Boards of Education to provide benefits equal to those provided by the federal FMLA to non-certified employees who have been employed by the Board for at least 12 months and worked at least 950 hours for the Board for the previous 12 months. The policy also made edits to clarify that the employees' available accrued sick leave runs concurrently with unpaid FMLA leave. Given the thoroughness of the Shipman Model Policy, we are deleting the regulation.
Policy 4152.6 Family Medical Leave |
7.A.2.c. Policy/Regulation 2232 - Retention and Disposition of Records and Information
Christine Carver
This policy was recommended for revision based on new guidance from the Connecticut State Library, Office of Public Records Administrator. It no longer permits public agencies to maintain internal digitization policies in lieu of seeking disposal authorization.
Policy 2232 Regulation 2232 |
7.A.2.d. Policy 5145.42 Policy Regarding Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Prohibition of Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Christine Carver
The US Department of Education recently issued the 2024 Title IX Final Rule on sex discrimination. It brings the Title IX policy back to the 2020 version. This was originally approved by the Board of Education on December 17, 2020.
Policy 5145.42 Regulation 5145.2 Appendix |
7.A.3. Second Reading/Approval
7.A.3.a. Policy/Regulation 6146 - Graduation Requirements
Christine Carver
This policy was initially being reviewed as part of the legislative mandate to remove the requirement for a capstone project as part of graduation requirements. In conjunction with the Department Coordinators and HS administrators, the regulation to the policy is being adapted to provide our students with more voice and choice over their education to meet the Bethel Board of Education requirements and flexibility in state law. The adapted tracks provide three options for our students to meet the requirements, although most will probably follow the competitive college admission track.
Graduation Requirements 6146- Policy and Regulation |
7.A.3.b. Policy 6172 - Alternative Education
Christine Carver
This policy is new due to a legislative change prohibiting schools from allowing students to attend the typical high school if they are enrolled in a credit recovery program. Our current alternative education program is Task. Given that it is a new policy, I had Mr. Troetti, Dr. Sipala and Mrs. Troetti (TASK Cooridnator), review it to ensure it complies with our practices.
Alternative Education 6172 - NEW Policy required |
7.A.3.c. Policy 4117 - Employee Discipline
Christine Carver
In review of the 4000 series, Employee Discipline was next in line. In reviewing the initial draft, I became concerned that is was not in line with contract language, so I had our attorney review it. She recommenced deletion of the policy (reasons outlined below).
Email from Dori Antonetti (Shipman and Goodwin) Thank you for taking the time to discuss this policy a couple of weeks ago. As requested, I reviewed the district’s current collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) to determine whether they address discipline and what the relevant provisions contain. In short (with relevant provisions identified for your review later in this email):
As to the contracts currently being negotiated, I confirmed with Rebecca that none contain proposals regarding discipline. Given that (1) this policy is not required, (2) all of the CBAs address discipline (in various ways), and (3) maintaining this policy establishes a standard for at-will employees that would not otherwise apply, we recommend that the Board repeal this policy. If the district wishes to have procedures to HR to follow when imposing discipline, it could create a "cheat sheet" of sorts, outlining the steps required by each CBA and best practices. I hope this information if helpful and would be happy to discuss further. Employee Discipline - 4117 Policy Attorney is recommending deletion of the policy. |
7.A.3.d. Policy/Regulation 4122 - Student Teachers
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed as part of the 4000 Series.
Student Teachers 4122 Policy and Regulation No recommended changes |
7.A.3.e. Policy 4124 - Summer Teaching
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed as part of the 4000 series. This policy does not seem to have a purpose. Recommend deletion.
Summer Teaching 4124 Policy |
7.A.3.f. Policy 4118.232 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed as part of the 4000 Series.
Weapons and Dangerous Instruments Policy 4118.232 |
8. Recommended Executive Session
8.A. CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9) Negotiations - Bethel Administrators' Negotiations
9. Adjourn