We have been using the instructional resource, Bridges in Mathematics and Number Corner for several years and have written a curriculum aligned to our programs, including supplemental materials and priority lessons that better meet the needs of our community.
2. Spanish for Heritage Speakers Course & Curriculum
Key Points of the Briefing:
We have an increasing number of students who have a strong background in speaking and listening skills in the Spanish language either from learning the language from family members or living in another country for a period of time. This course will serve to empower these students by celebrating culture and working towards increasing their bilingual abilities in all the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
The students enrolled in this course will learn the 8th grade Spanish curriculum with an emphasis on teaching the heritage speaker. Linked is the Spanish for Heritage Speakers Curriculum.
Units include:
Unit 1: My identity, who am I? Grammar Focus: present tense, irregular present tense verbs, possessive adjectives
Unit 2: Food and restaurants Grammar Focus: irregular present tense, formal commands, interrogatives, comparatives and superlatives, introduce past tense - regular and irregular
Unit 3: Vacation/Travel Grammar Focus: irregular and regular past tense, present tense, indirect object pronouns, verbs like Gustar
The general objectives of this course are to develop competence in students’ reading and writing skills, to master certain grammar concepts particular to native/heritage speakers, to help them improve their presentational skills and take into account the experiences and influences of their bilingual and bicultural upbringing. This course will place an emphasis on having a pride in one’s culture and sense of belonging in the community.
This course will also help students to connect with others with a similar cultural background and gain a deeper understanding of their family's language and traditions.
Just as with our other 8th grade language courses, upon successful completion of this course and a passing grade on the final exam, students will earn one high school credit.
This credit does not count towards GPA at the high school but will appear on the high school transcript as a passing grade.
Students who are ready can move to Spanish 3 at the high school. Many students will advance to honors Spanish from this course and will be on a track to take AP Spanish, as well as become prepared to take the Seal of Biliteracy Test.
We have been piloting this School Leadership unified arts course this year. Students work on improving the culture and climate of the school based on needs of the building or problems they are facing.
Leadership areas include, but are not limited to, work on:
Pay It Forward"—students developed a ticket system to encourage positive behavior and the idea of passing on the kindness
Students work closely and develop activities with peers from the Learning Center (Cooking, crafts, inclusiveness)
Students created videos for incoming 6th graders to explain everything from opening a locker to student routines
Building Emotional Intelligence, global competencies & RULER lessons
Students can elect to enroll in this course during the 6th grade unified arts block
5. Public Comment (Please note: The Board welcomes Public Comment and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)