May 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Western Connecticut Superintendent Association Student Recognition Awards - Two students from Bethel Middle School and two from Bethel High School were recognized at a ceremony on Monday, May 16th. The Western Connecticut Superintendent’s Awards are given to students who exhibit a commitment to community service, demonstrate academic prowess, and provide leadership in the school community. These students’ outstanding work ethic in the classroom, generosity in the community, passion for the arts, and leadership within their schools, are among the reasons they have been chosen for this prestigious honor. This year's recipients were:
2.A. CABE Student Leadership Awards
Presentation of Award Certificates: The CABE Student Leadership Awards are given to recognize student achievement and potential. These students were picked from among their peers for exhibiting leadership qualities as defined by the criteria developed by CABE. The Board recognizes the level of achievement of these students. |
2.B. Gifts, Grants, & Bequests
3.A. District Baseline Data Report
Dr. Carver
4. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
4.A. Approval of Minutes
4.A.1. April 21, 2022
4.A.2. April 25, 2022 - Special Meeting
5. Correspondence
Policy 9326
6. Public Comment
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Comment and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
7. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
7.A. Board Chairperson Update
7.B. Administrative Update
Reading Pilot: While I have not gotten official notice from the state, I did hear that Bethel has been selected to participate in the reading pilot in the Science of Reading. I have linked an overview of the pilot and the commitment from the district.
Strategic Planning Session: The Strategic Planning Committee is meeting again on Monday, May 23rd, to finalize any recommendation to the full board at the regular meeting in June of 2023. Project Astro Turf Update Summer School Update In April, the State Department of Education reissued its report on discipline across the State of Connecticut. The report places Bethel in Tier 1 or with low suspension rates and disproportionality in discipline data. It is also important to note that the report still uses data prior to the pandemic. The State of Connecticut has updated its public data portal. The website, EdSight, has some additional reports and data. It is also useful for comparative town and state-level data. Security Grants - As had been previously shared, the Bethel Public Schools received two competitive grants from the Department of Homeland Security. The first grant was the Public School Security Infrastructure Competitive Grant Program. This grant was awarded to Bethel Middle School and Berry School. The second grant was Security Infrastructure Equipment (non-Multi-Media). Initially, the tentative award was to Bethel Middle School and Berry School. When we received the final award, Bethel High School was included. This will significantly increase security at our non-renovated schools. As you are aware, this grant is a match program. As previously discussed, we will use the unexpended funds account to pay for the district portion as it is an outstanding opportunity. Mrs. Yonsky will update the Board at the meeting as to the impact to that account. Feasibility Study HVAC - Bethel High School
7.B.1. 2021-2022 BOE District Data Sheet
Monthly Data - We include in the BOE agenda the monthly data as requested by the BOE.
8. Reports to the Board
8.A. Curriculum, Assessment, & Professional Practices
8.A.1. Applied Studies Curricula- Child Development I and Graphics II
Key Points of the Briefing:
8.A.2. Science Curricula- K-2, Biology, and Chemistry
Key Points of the Briefing:
8.B. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
8.B.1. First Reading
8.B.1.a. Policy 6162.52 - Student Privacy (PPRA)
As we have recently engaged in discussions with our attorney regarding student surveys, she provided me with a model policy which more broadly covers student privacy. We feel that this policy is much more comprehensive and more explicit. If the Board of Education decides to adopt this policy, we would need to eliminate Policy 6121.52 - Student Surveys.
Policy 6162.52 - Student Privacy (PPRA) |
8.B.1.b. Policy 6162.51 - Student Surveys
Policy 6162.51 - Student Surveys - For deletion.
8.B.1.c. Policy 6141.51 - Enrollment in an Advanced Course or Program and Challenging Curriculum
Public Act 21-199 requires that the Board of Education adopt a policy on student enrollment in advanced courses or programs. The Public Act was developed to open enrollment to all students. The Act specifically requires multiple methods by which a student can satisfy the criteria for enrollment in courses.
Policy 6141.51 - Enrollment in an Advanced Course or Program and Challenging Curriculum |
8.B.2. Second Reading/Approval
8.B.2.a. Policy 2130 - Job Descriptions
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of the 2000 series. There are no recommended changes by the administration. There were no suggested changes made by the policy committee.
Policy 2130 Job Descriptions |
8.B.2.b. Policy & Regulation 2131 - Superintendent of Schools
Christine Carver
Policy 2131 and Regulation 2131, Superintendent of Schools, is being reviewed as part of the 2000 Series. There are a couple of minor suggestions for consideration.
8.B.2.c. Policy 2141 - Recruitment and Retention of the Superintendent of Schools
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of the 2000 series. This policy outlines the process the Board of Education undertakes when hiring the Superintendent of Schools. There are some minor changes for consideration by administration and then the Policy Committee.
Policy 2141 - Recruitment and Retention of the Superintendent of Schools |
8.B.2.d. Policy 2142 - Evaluation of the Superintendent
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of the 2000 series. While there are no recommended changes to the policy, the Board should be aware that the process for evaluation is outlined in the contract between the Board of Education and the Superintendent.
Policy 2142 - Evaluation of the Superintendent |
8.C. Resource Management & Business Operations
8.C.1. Personnel
Policy 9326
8.C.1.a. Teachers Being Granted Tenure
For the Board’s information, the Board will be presented with a listing of teachers who have completed the requirements to be granted tenure in the Bethel Public Schools.
8.C.1.b. JOB DESCRIPTION 6.17 Accounting Supervisor
With the retirement of Ms. Yonsky, it provided an opportunity to review the responsibilities within the business office. Over the past several years there has been a shift in responsibilities to the former accounting manager, given the complexity of the Director's role. As a result, we have reflected those changes in the job description. We will also look to recommend an adjustment in salary in June when we present non-union groups.
JOB DESCRIPTION 6.17 Accounting Supervisor |
8.C.2. Finance
8.C.2.a. Tuition Rates for Non-Residents 2022-2023
Pursuant to Board of Education Policy, the following tuition rates for non-resident students attending Bethel Public Schools are recommended:
2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 % Increase Elem/Middle $13,595 $13,900 $14,499 4.31% High School $15,685 $16,038 $16,729 4.31% These tuition rates do not include transportation. Additionally, Special Education rates will be calculated as needed based on the costs of a specific program with related services. The Special Education costs are not discounted.
8.C.3. Facilities
Policy 3132
9. Adjourn