November 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Policy Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. First Reading
1.A. Policy/Regulation 1220 - Citizens Advisory Committee
This policy, the Citizens Advisory Committee, is part of our general policy overview of the 1000 series. There are no suggested changes to the policy, but the Board may want to review the parameters for implementation of the policy.
Policy 1220 Citizens Advisory Committee Regulation 1220 Citizens Advisory Committee |
1.B. Regulation 1221 - Citizens Advisory Committee for the BOE
This regulation provides guidelines on the criteria for committee appointments and procedures for the establishment of the Advisory Committees. Again, there are no recommended changes, but the BOE should discuss the implementation of the policies.
Regulation 1221R Citizens Advisory Committee for the BOE |
1.C. Policy 1260 - Educational Foundations
This policy established purpose and procedures for educational foundations that support the Bethel Public Schools. There were only minor suggested changes to the policy given how the Bethel Education Foundation has functioned within a grant structure.
Policy 1260 Educational Foundations |
1.D. Policy 1331 - Smoking in School Facilities
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed as part of the 1000 series. As tobacco devices change, the only suggestion was to eliminate all of the examples and make a general statement about electronic cigarettes.
Policy 1331 Smoking in School Facilities |
1.E. Policy 1411 - Law Enforcement Agencies
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed as part of the 1000 series. There were no recommended changes.
Policy 1411 Law Enforcement Agencies |
1.F. Policy 1416 - Fiscal Authorities
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed as part of the 1000 series. There were no recommended changes.
Policy 1416 Fiscal Authorities |
1.G. Policy/Regulation 4118.231 Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Free Workplace
Christine Carver
This policy is recommended to be revised by our attorneys at Shipman and Goodwin with the changes in cannabis laws at the state level. It is recommended elimination of the old policy and use of the model policy. There was limited change to the regulation, which provides guidance regarding violations of policies by employees.
Policy 4118.231 Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Free Workplace Regulation 4118.231 Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Free Workplace |
1.H. Series 2000 Policy/Regulation - Electronic Records and Information
Policy Series 2000 - Electronic Records And Information
Regulation Series 2000 - Electronic Records And Information |
2. Second Reading
2.A. Policy 5131.911 - Bullying & Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Intervention
This was tabled by the committee on 9/14/21 due to work expected to be done on the District Safe School Climate Plan in October by the District Safe School Climate & Wellness Committee.
Policy 5131.911 - Bullying & Teen Dating Violence Prevention and Intervention |
3. New Business
3.A. Board of Education Bylaws
4. Public Comment
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Comment and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.) |
5. Adjourn