November 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Johnson School this week.
bring the State Champions title back to Bethel this year!
3. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.A.1. October 22, 2020
4. Correspondence
Policy 9326
5. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
6.A. Board Chairperson Update
6.B. Administrative Update
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Curriculum, Assessment, & Professional Practices
7.A.1. Curriculum Committee Goals
Kristen Brooks
BOE Equity Statement Equity is achieved when student outcomes are not predicted by gender, race, ethnicity, class, or special needs and where all students reach a level of efficacy and competencies that support a rewarding and productive life. This requires the elimination of the inequalities that contribute to disproportionate learning and achievement by students of different social groups while ensuring all students are prepared for a productive and meaningful life. BOE Board Goal: Civility, Inclusion, Racism, Discrimination- Assess, review, and revise the district’s curriculum, policies, procedures and practices to create systems of equity for all of our students and allow for civil discourse among stakeholders. Curriculum Committee Goals:
Significance of Culturally Responsive and Equitable Education:According to the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, "Across the country, rigorous evaluations and studies have shown that culturally responsive curricula increase student academic engagement, attendance, grade point averages, graduation rates, civic engagement, positive racial self-images, and self-definition (Browman, 2011; Butler-Barnes, 2017; Cabrera, 2012; Carter, 2008; Dee & Penner 2016; Morell, 2013)." |
7.B. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
7.B.1. First Reading
7.B.1.a. Regulation 4118.237/4218.237/5141.8 - Use of Face Coverings In School
Christine Carver
This regulation is for your information only. When there was an adjustment by the Connecticut State Department of Education to require preschool students to wear masks/face covering, there was a requirement to develop a regulation to the policy. This regulation has been shared with the Board of Education previously. Regulation 4118.237/4218.237/5141.8 - Use of Face Coverings In School |
7.B.1.b. Policy 4135.1 - Political Activities of School Employees
This policy has not been reviewed since 2004. Policy Policy 4135.1 - Political Activities of School Employees |
7.B.1.c. Policy 4118.112 Non-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Christine Carver & Kristen Brooks
There were significant changes in the federal regulations for sexual harassment and sexual discrimination. Our current policy has not been reviewed since 2018. Because the policy had so many legal adjustments, the administration is asking the Board of Education to consider reviewing and adoption of the Shipman and Goodwin model policy for employees. We have attached the model policy. Due to the fact that it is a redlined version of the policy, you can get an overview of the substantial changes. |
7.B.1.d. 6151P Class Size
Christine Carver
At the Board of Education's request, Policy 6151P class size was added to the agenda. The policy has not been reviewed since 1992. We will be collecting data from surrounding school districts to see it thier district policy delineates class sizes and/or ranges. It would also be important to do a research review to determine recommended sizes and note that potential ranges could have budgetary impacts.
7.C. Resource Management & Business Operations
7.C.1. Finance
7.C.1.a. Update on COVID related expenditures and funding
7.C.1.b. First Quarter Budget Transfers 20-21
The budget transfer of $7,700 represents .02% of the overall budget.
7.C.2. Facilities
Policy 3132
7.C.2.a. Long-Term Capital Plan 2020-2030 - Approval
By November 30th of each year, the Board of Education needs to submit to the Board of Selectman the Capital Plan. The major change to the previous plan is the addition of HVAC unit replacement at Bethel High School. The units outlined in the plan, were not replaced as part of the renovation project and are nearing the end of their life span. In addition, the security package that was submitted last year, but was not funded due to the economic impact of COVID, is included as a separate tab on the spread sheet.
7.C.2.b.i. Owner's Rep. Report (Monthly)
Christine Carver
We will provide a verbal update on the overall status of the projects. The October (not available last meeting) and November monthly reports are attached. In addition, also attached is the cash flow projection to the end of the project.
8. Adjourn