September 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Congratulations to Johnson School staff. R.M.T. Johnson School has been named an official Special Olympics national banner Unified Champion School!
Gifts, Grants, & Bequests:
Bethel High School:
Bethel Middle School:
2019-2020 Staff Recognition
Friends of Bethel Public Site & Building Committee, Town of Bethel
10 Years of Service
20 Years of Service
30 Years of Service
3. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
3.A. Approval of Minutes
3.A.1. August 27, 2020
3.A.2. September 3, 2020 - Special Meeting
4. Correspondence
Policy 9326
5. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.)
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
6.A. Board Chairperson Update
6.B. Administrative Update
6.B.1. 2020 CABE/CAPSS Convention Postponed, Spring 2021
2020 CABE/CAPSS Convention Postponed, Committee Chair Bryan Hall on behalf of the CABE/CAPSS Convention Committee: It is important for superintendents and board members to remain focused on creating a strong learning environment for students in this unprecedented time. Because of this, planning for a multi-day Convention would be a distraction from that work. The Committee has decided to postpone our November Convention. We will continue our robust professional development offerings and work with individual boards, and plan to gather in the spring. As the Bonnie B. Carney Excellence in Communications and CABE Board Recognition Awards are both recognized at the Convention, the entry process of both is being delayed to allow you, your staff, and Board to focus on reopening schools and to coincide with a spring 2021 program. |
7. Reports to the Board
7.A. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
7.A.1. Policy 4118.237/4218.237/5141.8 - Use of Face Coverings in School
Shipman and Goodwin released a policy on the use of face coverings. This policy is straight forward, aligns with state recommendations and time sensitive. I recommended the Board waive a second reading and approve.
(Policy is dual coded to cover both personnel certified and non-certified, and students.) Policy 4118.237/4218.237/5141.8 - Use of Face Coverings |
7.A.2. Second Reading/Approval - (The following policies were accepted for 1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.)
7.A.2.a. Policy 4118.234 - Prohibition of Psychotropic Drugs
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as it aligns with current practice and state law. (1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.b. Policy/Regulation 4147.1 - Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law. (1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.c. Policy/Regulation 5140 - Health and Welfare
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law. (1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.d. Policy 5141.21 - Administration of Medication
As part of our overall policy review, the Health Coordinator and all of our School Nurses reviewed all of our health policies. Policy 5141.21P, Administration of Medication, was last reviewed in 2016. There were only small adjustments made in the areas of possession of medication under certian circumstances and eliminated the review of orders by medical advisor. This is not law or practice. (1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.e. Policy/Regulation 5141.22 - Communicable Infectious Diseases
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law. (1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.f. Policy 5141.23 - Psychotropic Drug Use
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as it aligns with current practice and state law.
(1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.g. Policy 5141.24 - Students/Staff with HIV, ARC, or AIDS
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law.
(1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.h. Policy 5141.28 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention
Christine Carver
The policy was reviewed by our School Nurses, Athletic Director and Health Coordinator. There were only minor changes made to the Appendix. (recommending that Mark Caron also review this in terms of athletics.)
(1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.i. Policy/Regulation 5141.3 - Health Assessments & Immunizations
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed by the School Nurses and Health Coordinator. It was last reviewed in 2015. Updates were made based on current laws and practice. (1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.A.2.j. Policy/Regulation 5141.7 - Student Sports – Concussions
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses, Health Coordinator, Athletic Director, and Athletic Trainer. They made a number of adjustments to the policy, regulation, plan and consent form. Please see suggested changes that are outlined in the document. 5141.7 CIAC Concussion Parent Consent Form
(1st reading at 6/17/20 BOE meeting.) |
7.B. Resource Management & Business Operations
7.B.1. Finance
7.B.1.a. EFS Review (Formerly ED001)
7.B.1.b. COVID-19 Expenditures
7.B.1.c. Recommended Deposit to the Unexpended Education Funds Account
Key Points of the Briefing: * We have filed our annual EFS on September 1, 2020 and the outside auditors have begun their work. Upon filing there were unexpended funds of $385,834 for the year end June 30, 2020. Knowing that we continue in fluid times regarding the COVID 19 ongoing expenses during 2020-2021 and unknown future emergencies and opportunities, we recommend that the Board of Education deposit all unspent funds to the Unexpended Education Funds Account which was established for emergencies and opportunities in the future. Upon BOE approval we will bring it forward to the Board of Finance for a motion to approve. |
7.B.2. Facilities
Policy 3132
7.B.2.a.i. Owner's Rep. Report (Monthly)
7.C. Community Outreach, Alignment, & Communications
8. Adjourn