June 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Bethel High School - 2020 Challenge to Citizenship Award - Dear Bethel High School NJROTC - Distinguished Unit |
2.A. Gifts, Grants, & Bequests
Systemwide Gifts:
Bartlett Tree Experts from Danbury will be donating 250 White Oak seedling trees (CT's state tree- see picture) to families during this pandemic. We are very grateful for their generosity. They wanted to donate these seedling trees to our community as a symbol of kindness, raise awareness of environmental stewardship, and serve as an activity a family can do together during this challenging time. All seedling trees should be kept in a cool area and planted within one week of receiving them.
Seedling trees will be distributed during our food service program at Berry School. Date/time will be forthcoming. First come, first served.
2.B. CABE Student Leadership Awards
The CABE Student Leadership Awards are given to recognize student achievement and potential. These students were picked from among their peers for exhibiting leadership qualities as defined by the criteria developed by CABE.
The Board recognizes the level of achievement of these students. The Board would like to congratulate the following students on receiving the CABE Student Leadership Award for 2020: Bethel High School, Maranda Nyborg and Joseph Bagala; Bethel Middle School, Ryan Cuny and Hannah Stowell. (Principals have presented the Award Certificates to the students due to COVID-19.) |
2.C. WCSA Student Leadership Awards
The Western Connecticut Superintendents Association Student Leadership Awards are based on three criteria:
The Board would like to congratulate the following students on receiving the Western Connecticut Superintendents Association Student Leadership Award for 2020: Bethel High School, Griffin Lawlor and Erin Lowenadler; Bethel Middle School, Juliana Habshey and Nina Saunders. (Principals have presented the Award Certificates to the students due to COVID-19.) |
3.A. Strategic Plan, Final Update, Spring 2020
4. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
4.A. Approval of Minutes
4.A.1. May 19, 2020
5. Correspondence
Policy 9326
Bethel CT Public Schools Mail - Anti Racism Education - L. Kirsher Black Lives Matter Rally - Jacqueline Chiappetta Class of 2015 Black Lives Matter Rally - Jeff Schlicht, BHS Alumni Parent |
6. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
(Please note: The Board welcomes Public Participation and asks that speakers please limit their comments to 2 minutes. Speakers may offer objective comments of school operations and programs that concern them. The Board will not permit any expression of personal complaints or defamatory comments about Board of Education personnel and students, nor against any person connected with the Bethel Public School System.) Due to COVID-19 and Governor’s Executive Order regarding no in-person meetings and required social distancing. Public Participation Access - During Audience Participation Portion Dial In Number - 1 646 558 8656. **Use the Meeting ID number at noted at the top of the Agenda. |
7. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
7.A. Board Chairperson Update
7.B. Administrative Update
Summer School - ESY Plans 2020 CIAC Guidance Summer Reconditioning - MS and HS Plans Band Camp Plans BLM Rally - Community Statement Fall Reopening/Parent Survey Data Themometer Distribution Reopening Planning End of Year Activities
8. Reports to the Board
8.A. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
8.A.1. First Reading
8.A.1.a. Policy 4118.234 - Prohibition of Psychotropic Drugs
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as it aligns with current practice and state law.
8.A.1.b. Policy/Regulation 4147.1 - Occupational Exposure to Blood-borne Pathogens
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law.
8.A.1.d. Policy/Regulation 5140 - Health and Welfare
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law.
8.A.1.e. Regulation 5141.2 - Illness
Christine Carver
As part of our overall policy review, the Health Coordinator and all of our School Nurses reviewed all of our health policies. This regulation 5141.28, Illness was last revised in 2005. The changes suggested provide parents protocols on absences due to illness, illness at school, protocols for pickup due to illness and how emergency situation will be managed. It is also timely with new protocols which will need to be implemented during the pandemic. |
8.A.1.f. Policy 5141.21 - Administration of Medication
As part of our overall policy review, the Health Coordinator and all of our School Nurses reviewed all of our health policies. Policy 5141.21P, Administration of Medication, was last reviewed in 2016. There were only small adjustments made in the areas of possession of medication under certian circumstances and eliminated the review of orders by medical advisor. This is not law or practice. |
8.A.1.g. Policy/Regulation 5141.22 - Communicable Infectious Diseases
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law. |
8.A.1.h. Policy 5141.23 - Psychotropic Drug Use
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as it aligns with current practice and state law.
8.A.1.i. Policy/Regulation 5141.24 - Students/Staff with HIV, ARC, or AIDS
Christine Carver
This policy is being reviewed as part of our overall cycle of policy review. This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses and Health Coordinator, no changes were made as they align with current practice and state law.
5141.24R |
8.A.1.j. Policy 5141.28 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention
Christine Carver
The policy was reviewed by our School Nurses, Athletic Director and Health Coordinator. There were only minor changes made to the Appendix. (recommending that Mark Caron also review this in terms of athletics.) |
8.A.1.l. Policy/Regulation 5141.7 - Student Sports – Concussions
Christine Carver
This policy was reviewed by our School Nurses, Health Coordinator, Athletic Director, and Athletic Trainer. They made a number of adjustments to the policy, regulation, plan and consent form. Please see suggested changes that are outlined in the document. email with further explanation to follow. |
8.A.2. Second Reading/Approval
8.A.2.a. Policy 1230 - Booster Clubs/Organizations/Parent Teacher Organizations/Bethel Education Foundation
Christine Carver
Policy 1230 This policy has not been reviewed since 2010. In addition, there were also some suggestions in a recent CABE update, that are reflected in the revision of this policy. The revisions include:
8.A.2.b. Policy 3541.24 - Parent’s/Guardian’s Responsibility
Christine Carver
There were minor changes to this policy to align with changes in Policy/Reg. 3541 - Transportation. Specifically, the policy was adjusted to reflect the K-2 adjustment in having a parent/guardian present for bus pick up. There were no other adjustments made.
Policy 3541.24
8.B. Finance
8.B.1. Budget Transfers
8.B.2. Budget Update
8.B.3. Approval of Memo for final spending and transfers to close the fiscal year June 30, 2020
Key Points of the Briefing: * We are nearing the end of the fiscal year. Final payrolls are scheduled to be processed on June 23rd and then we will know what funds remain with which to close accounts and if possible, make a positive impact on our district during the final week of June. We ask for your authorization to focus year end spending on areas that support our response to COVID 19, our strategic plan or have been discussed by the BOE this fiscal year. * 1) Unexpended Funds Account – Knowing that we continue in uncertain times and that next year’s BOE budget was reduced by $624K, we will plan to deposit any unspent remaining funds to this account is for opportunities and contingencies in future years. * 2) COVID 19 – Looking towards the re-opening of schools beginning soon with ESY summer school, there are expenditures needed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus including PPE, office shield/dividers/walls, and cleaners. * 3) Technology – One of the four Board of Education goals is to have technology as a catalyst for teaching and learning. There is a long term chromebook replacement plan for our 1:1 strategic plan initiative for Grade 1 through Grade 12. If we are able to purchase the next planned replacements, we would like to go forward. * 4) Special Education – The SPED department is still closing their books especially for outplacement tuition and transportation and necessary student evaluations; this will all be reconciled. This year the SPED budget is coming in very tight. * 5) Safety – This area continues to be paramount and we will add security measures in accordance with our approved plan. Since we did not receive the Capital Funding, there may be a piece of the plan at BHS that we would want to move forward with such as the kiosk. * 6) Facilities – With the reduction to the 460 budget there are a few critical maintenance items that we may be able to move forward with.
8.C. Personnel
Policy 9326
8.C.1. Resignations
8.D. Facilities
Policy 3132
8.D.1.a. Owner's Rep. Report (Monthly)
Christine Carver
The monthly report is attached. Revised tracking budgets are attached. Update will include:
9. Recommended Executive Session - CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9) Negotiations
9.A. Non-Union Staff Salary Adjustments
Annually, the Bethel Board of Education sets the increase for all non-union employees. A motion will need to be made after coming out of executive session regarding increases based on Board of Education consensus.
10. Adjourn