September 22, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Policy 9326
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Board Recognition/A Salute to Excellence
Lt. Commander Mark Dwinells and Master Sgt Meehan's NJROTC Unit completed Leadership Academy 2016. There were over 7000 cadets in the northeast region, and only 160 get to attend, usually only 2 from each school with an NJROTC unit in the northeast region. This year Bethel had 8 cadets, who have all broken out as leaders in academics, physical fitness, marching drill and sailing. Bethel gets extra billets because Mark and Joe make it happen, and this year they were once again joined by a Bethel parent. The Board would like to formally recognize BHS parent, Mrs. Chrissy Sholtes, for her extraordinary efforts and service above and beyond the call of duty. She volunteered to attend to be the "Med Mom" for 160 cadets, which involves transporting them to the clinic off base as needed, and dispensing authorized meds around the clock. Chrissy went to the ER with a cadet who had abdominal pain and required emergency gall bladder surgery (not a Bethel cadet), and she sat up all night waiting for her parents to arrive. Then a "platoon mom", who is the female chaperon for a group of 40 cadets, had a family emergency and had to leave, so Chrissy was both Platoon and Med Mom, working from 0430 to 2300 daily during the week. |
3.A. Strategic Plan & Student Outcomes Update - Fall 2016
As you are aware, over the summer we had a variety of state assessment results. The intent of this report is to update the Board of Education on Strategic Focus Area: All Students Can Learn for literacy and mathematics. The report will focus in on key action steps achieved, resources allocated to support the efforts and an overview of the results of those assessments. At the meeting, we will also provide a more extensive data summary for your information.
4. Consent Calendar
Policy 9326
4.A. Approval of Minutes
4.B. Minutes - August 25, 2016
5. Correspondence
Policy 9326
6. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
7. Administrative/Board Member Update
Policy 9326
Dr. Carver will provide the Board of Education with an update on the status of the Turf Field Project. SAVE THE DATES:
PA 189 - Policy 5145.15 needs to be amended to include student email. Renovation Tours:
District Enrollment: 2992 (with some pending registrations) on 9/21/16. Preliminary ELL numbers 120 (approximately 10 more students than last year). Playground update: The PTO's and BEF are interested in working collaboratively to help support the funding of new playgrounds. I have spoken to each group separately and we will hold a joint meeting to discuss the details.
8. Reports to the Board
8.A. Policy
Policy 9310,9311,9313
8.A.1. First Reading
8.A.1.a. Regulation 3541 - Transportation
At our meeting last Spring, we discussed revising transportation regulations to specifically reflect magnet school transportation. The attached regulation reflects that change, grandfathering current students till they graduate. In addition, due to ongoing issues, we revised the section on single day changes in bus assignment to apply K-8. The previous regulation had only been for students in grades K-3. All of these changes were communicated to parents via email and in the newsletter at the beginning of the school year.
8.A.1.b. Policy 5145 - Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education Program
17a-101q Statewide sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention program (as amended by Section 415 of the June 2015 Special Session Public Act 15-5) requires the Board of Education to develop a policy on awareness and prevention programs. This program was developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education and the Department of Children and Families. For your information, I have attached the guidelines. Mrs. Budris and I are meeting with the Confidential Crisis Team to discuss the implications.
8.A.1.c. Policy 6141 - Migrant Students
Federal law and regulations require that Board's of Education have a policy to meet the needs of migrant children. The attached model policy from CABE reflects the requirements. Currently, we do not have any children identified as migrant.
8.A.1.d. Policy 3523.11 - Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones)
This policy has two essential components, use of drones by the public and by our students as part of the instructional program. These are issues that need to be discussed and considered:
I have provide sample policies from CABE to begin the discussion.
8.B. Facilities
Policy 3132
8.B.1. Community Outreach, Alignment & Communication Committee Update
The committee met to evelop a communication/advocacy strategy for Johnson and Rockwell Renovations and create a communications plan, timelines and system to recruit volunteers. Background info: Ad hoc building committee has met and identified that June referendum timeline is ambitious and community support will be critical. Options: Events (short term): · Open Houses: use this highly attended moment to disburse information to parents via brief mention in principal opening remarks and fact sheet in students folders. Also, Central Office determined they will indeed have an informational table with literature/pictures/staff to take advantage of this communication moment. · Conferences: Consider best way to leverage conferences in October. Option to have informational table again and possibly a more detailed video. · Others: Other key moments on school calendar TBD. Tools: · Fact sheets: Dr. Carver will develop options and update fact sheet shared during the meeting to make it a bit easier to navigate. It was suggested that we create one version for parents and a second for community members. The updated fact sheet will be used at Open House. · Videos: We discussed multiple options for a video tour. Suggested approaches were a. straightforward showing what needs to be fixed, b. fun approach possibly with HS students narrating tongue in cheek and yet showing the seriousness of the need. Welcome to our House discussed as a creative concept. · Media: Social media a natural fit to get the word out. BOE (Courtney) to create a Renovation Facebook stage as a first step and place to share ongoing content. Recruiting support: · BOE: It was discussed that BOE members would reach out to parents of younger children (pre-school aged). It was also mentioned that including Dad champions in our efforts would be helpful. · Survey: It was discussed, but not finalized, that we could use a survey to determine what kind of info parents would like to receive, and to understand if any parents would like to more personally be involved in advocating for the renovations. Next meeting: It was discussed committee should meet again during regularly scheduled October committee meeting timing. |
9. Executive Session
9.A. CT General Statues 1-210(b)(9) Negotiations
10. Adjourn