June 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Resource Management & Business Operations Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Budget Reductions - (BOF $75,000 Cut)
Summary of the Briefing: 1) The Board of Finance reduced the Board of Education operating budget by $75,000. The Administration recommends the following account reductions: 2) The ECS (Educational Cost Sharing) from the State of CT has been reduced for Bethel Public Schools. The difference between what was budgeted as revenue for the Town vs. new amount due from State is a shortfall of $57,106. As a result of completing negotiations with all the remaining bargaining units and, where appropriate moving employees to the Connecticut Partnership Plan 2.0, we have savings in next year’s budget of approximately $150,000. Therefore it is recommended that we plan to return at least $57,106 to the Town at the end of 2016-2017 to offset the loss of revenue to the Town. No motion is currently needed.
2. 1:1 Chromebook Plan
3. Budget Transfers
4. 15/16 Budget Status
5. Healthy Foods Certification
Bethel Public Schools has participated in the CT State Department of Education Healthy Food
Certification Program for many years. By participating, Bethel can only serve snacks and a la carte items that specifically have been approved by the CSDE Bureau of Health & Nutrition. Each year we report to the CSDE each and every a la carte/snack item that we serve in our schools and it is checked against the approved list. The CSDE has been pleased with our adherence to the law. For participation the District receives an additional 10 cents reimbursement from the State on each meal served. This is important as with the choices of snack items limited, the revenue has dipped. The additional 10 cents has been kept us on track. First the BOE must choose whether to renew its participation in this program and second, the BOE has to choose to renew its allowance of the exception of items not on the CSDE list when sold after school at events. |
6. Annual Renewal Sodexo Food Services
Key Points of the Briefing: a) A guaranteed profit in the 2016-2017 year of $52k and again in each of the next three years at a time when many districts our size have not been able to turn a profit in food service b) A history of good management here in Bethel c) The active partnership of Sodexo in our district wellness initiatives
7. 2016-2017 Meal Prices
Key Points of the Briefing:
* Raising student lunch prices a modest amount at all schools. Elementary will be $2.75 which aligns with the minimum required Paid Equity by the USDA and Middle School and High School will be $3.15. All student lunch prices include milk. * Raising all school breakfast prices by $.05 to $2.20. * Bethel’s prices are very similar to other school districts in this area and across the state. Summary of the Briefing: 1) To raise the school meal prices at inflation rates to cover increases in labor and food costs and continue to have the school lunch program run at or above break- even. 2) To set the price for reduced priced breakfast at $0.00 instead of 30 cents for the year 2016-2017. This will encourage participation in the breakfast program and insure that our neediest students are fed each morning. The cost to the board should be less than $1,000.
8. 2016-2017 Tuition Rates
Pursuant to Board of Education Policy, the following tuition rates for non-resident students attending Bethel Public Schools are recommended:
2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 % Increase These tuition rates do not include transportation. Additionally, Special Education rates will be calculated as needed based on the costs of a specific program with related services.
9. Audience Participation
10. Adjourn