October 6, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Resource Management & Business Operations Meeting
Agenda |
1. Facilities
Policy 3132
1.A. Facilities Update
1.B. Rockwell/Johnson School Air-Conditioning Needs
1.C. DRA Update
1.D. AD-HOC Rockwell/Johnson School Facilities Committee
It is the recommendations from the RMBO Committee of the Bethel Board of Education to establish a Ad-HOC Committee who will work on the Johnson and Rockwell renovation project. It was determined that in addition to the Members of the Board of Education, the committee should also include parents, administration and community members. The committee would begin meeting after receipt of the projected enrollment report (likely at the beginning of December).
1.E. Refuse Contract
2. Audience Participation
Policy 9326
3. Adjourn