August 29, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Bethel Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call for Quorum
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minutes
2.A. June 20, 2013 - Regular Meeting
2.B. June 24, 2013 - Special Meeting
3. Correspondence
4. Audience Participation
5. Curriculum
5.A. Bethel Abroad - Italy 2014
6. Administrative/Board Member Update
Reminder - 2013 CABE/CAPSS Conference will be held November 15 & 16. Discounted registration deadline is August 30th. Please let Sue Pare know if you would like to register.
6.A. School Safety & Security
6.B. OCR Compliance
6.C. Teacher Evaluation Plan Waiver
6.D. Helmsley Project
6.E. Assessment Program for 2013-2014
6.F. Technology Grant
6.G. School Security Grant
6.H. CMT/CAPT Scores
7. Finance
7.A. Copier & Managed Print Contract
7.B. Final Year-End, June 30, 2013 Closing & Related Transfers
7.C. 403(b) Retirement Plan
8. Facilities
8.A. 460 Account - Repairs
8.B. Custodial Cleaning
9. Adjourn