March 14, 2006 at 7:00 PM - 3-14-06 Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Sally Boske
II. Salute to the Flag
Sally Boske
III. Public Session
Sally Boske
Chair Boske explained the rules of Public Session.
IV. Communications
Sally Boske
V. Consent Agenda
Sally Boske
V.A. Minutes of February 14, 2006 Regular Meeting
V.B. Minutes of February 28, 2006 Special Meeting
V.C. Personnel Action
John Reed
V.D. Even Start Grant
Cynthia Cappetta
VI. Action Items
VII. Committees
VII.A. Budget Committee
Jay Keiser
VII.B. Policy Committee
Barbara Weiss
VII.B.1. Bylaw #9310 Development, Distribution & Maintenance of Manual of Policies, Regulations, Bylaws - Second Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale Bylaw #9310
The committee recommended the following bylaw be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require its second reading:
#9310 Development, Distribution & Maintenance of Manual of Policies, Regulations, Bylaws—The Committee discussed the Board’s request to remove the last paragraph referring to evaluation and effect of policies. The revision was made.
VII.B.2. Policy #6112 School Day - First Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale: Policy #6112
The committee recommended the following policy be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require two readings:
#6112 School Day — The Committee reviewed this policy and decided to remove the second paragraph. “In the event of a delayed opening or dismissal of school, because of weather conditions, either the morning or afternoon kindergarten session shall count as a school day, regardless of its length.” Additional legal references were be added.
VII.B.3. Policy #6114 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness - First Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale: Policy #6114
The committee recommended the following policy be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require two readings:
#6114 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness — The Committee discussed this policy and recommended minor changes and the addition of legal references. The committee recommended the policy be presented to the Board of Education for its first reading.
VII.B.4. Policy #6114.1 Fire - Preparedness - First Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale: Policy #6114.1
The committee recommended the following policy be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require two readings:
#6114.1 Fire – Preparedness – The Committee reviewed this policy and decided it was covered in the previous policy #6114 and recommended deleting it. This deletion recommendation will be presented to the Board of Education for its first reading.
VII.B.5. Policy #6141.32 Computer Literacy - First Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale: Policy #6141.32
The committee recommended the following policy be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require two readings:
#6141.32 Computer Literacy – The Committee reviewed this policy and decided it will be covered in the proposed mandated Replacement Policy #6141.321 discussed above and recommended the policy #6141.32 be deleted. This deletion recommendation will be presented to the Board of Education for its first reading.
VII.B.6. Policy #6141.321 Computers: Acceptable Use of the Internet, Other Computer Networks and Internet Safety - One Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale: Policy #6141.321
The committee recommended the following mandated policy be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require one reading:
#6141.321 Computers: Acceptable Use of the Internet, Other Computer Networks and Internet Safety – Robert Polselli, Education Technology Coordinator, spoke to this mandated policy. Our attorney reviewed the Policy Committee’s proposed changes to the original policy and made changes to the mandated policy that addressed new laws. The proposed policy will replace the existing policy. The committee recommended the mandated policy be presented to the Board of Education for one reading.
VII.B.7. Policy #6141.8 School Readiness/Day-Care - First Reading
Barbara Weiss
Rationale: Policy #6141.8
The committee recommended the following policy be presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting and will require two readings:
#6141.8 School Readiness/Day-Care – The Committee reviewed this policy and recommends the deletion of the first paragraph along with the addition of the words “for ages three and four “ after the word “programs” on the third line of the second paragraph. The committee recommended the policy be presented to the Board of Education for its first reading.
VII.C. Healthy School/Healthy Community Committee
Barbara Weiss
VII.C.1. Pilot Program Evaluation
Barbara Weiss
VIII. Report of the Superintendent
Michael Frechette
VIII.A. Financial Statement
John Reed
VIII.B. Moody School Update
Michael Frechette
VIII.C. Board of Education Adopt-A-School Program
Michael Frechette
VIII.D. Grades (4)5-12 World Language Program Evaluation, 2005-06
John Hennelly
VIII.E. Building Project: Middletown High School
Kendall Jackson
VIII.F. Transportation Report
Mike Milardo
IX. Discussion Items
IX.A. Change to April 2006 Regular Board Meeting Date
Sally Boske
IX.B. Step 3 Grievance
Michael Frechette
X. Executive Session
X.A. Personnel Matter - Non-Renewal
John Reed
XI. Adjournment
Sally Boske