May 5, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of April 7, 2021
II.B. Special Meeting of April 12, 2021
II.C. Special Meeting of April 19, 2021
III. Visitors
III.A. CABE Student Leadership Awards
Each year, CABE invites its member Boards to recognize outstanding student leaders at the middle and high school levels. The principals of each school are asked to facilitate the selection of the students based on a given set of criteria. Mr. Wygonik and Mr. Ambruso will recognize the award winners. From Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School: Kaela Hoss and Henry Griswold From Lyme-Old Lyme High School: Emma Boardman and Aidan Powers
III.B. Report from Student Representatives
III.C. Public Comment
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. You are all invited to our end of the year celebration on June 21 from 11-2:30 under the tent in the junior parking lot. Formal invitations will be coming soon. I hope you can attend this exciting event. I will update the Board on our goals for the year which will also be included in my end of the year report during our executive session. |
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Educational Presentation
Due to the executive session for the end of the year report as a part of my evaluation, there will be no educational presentation this month.
VI. Chair and Committee Reports
(Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN, LOL Prevention Coalition, Sustainability)
VII. New Business
VII.A. Rescinding of Nonrenewals
Ian Neviaser
Based on the approval of the 2021-2022 budget by the community, we will be able to rescind the non-renewals of staff members. This will allow us to make appointments for next year and finalize our scheduling and placements. This requires Board action.
VII.B. Request for Tuition Students at Lyme-Old Lyme High School
Ian Neviaser
We have four tuition student requests for admission to LOLHS. I am recommending acceptance of all of these students. This requires Board action.
VII.C. Policy Review: Bidding Requirements and Interscholastic Athletics: Health Assessment/Participation Criteria
Ian Neviaser
Both policies have been approved by the Policy Committee for your acceptance. This is a first read for both and does not require Board action.
VII.D. Wastewater Treatment Plant Membrane Replacement
Ron Turner
Background: The existing wastewater treatment plant membrane plates are compromised and causing the existing transfer pumps to continually lose their prime. The loss of prime causes the plant to go into alarm requiring emergency response. Besides the plant stopping to process effluent, the compromised membranes have a detrimental effect on the effluent quality, which is causing permit exceedances. It is recommended that WhiteWater install the new membranes and associated hardware. WhiteWater is the District’s licensed water and wastewater system operator and has extensive experience with this system. This emergency repair will be funded by contingency and requires Board action.
VII.E. Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School Outdoor Classroom
Ron Turner
Background: Recent developments with the COVID-19 pandemic generated a request by parents and staff for potential outdoor classroom spaces at District schools. This request was included in the five-year facilities plan with a goal to begin to add spaces during the 2021/22 school year. The District sought comparable commercial quotes for this project and received three proposals. JM Carpentry $49,729 PB Homes $48,398 The Barnyard $110,000 The Barnyard stated they would not be interested once they learned of the courtyard implications, and PB Homes quoted via email correspondence. JM Carpentry conducted a site walk, fully understand the conditions, and devised a plan to move materials to the courtyard. This project is the second in a District plan to add outdoor classroom spaces after the gazebo at Mile Creek. The next project scheduled for FY 21/22 will create a similar structure at the Lyme School. This classroom project was originally funded by monies budgeted in the 2021/22 FY proposed budget but will now be covered by Esser II grant funds. The budgeted funds will be applied to other projects in the five-year facilities plan. This requires Board action.
VII.F. Mile Creek School, Center School and Lyme School Playground Renovation
Ron Turner
Background: Portions of each of the above listed playgrounds are outdated and require equipment upgrades. Conditions vary from faded materials to wooden structures that are causing splinters. All of the playgrounds have received updated equipment in the last few years, and those portions will remain and are not part of this project. Only the most dated pieces are being removed. This price includes all aspects of the project including demolition of the existing structures, installation of the new pieces, and a new layer of approved playground mulch. With the May Board of Education approval, all three structures will be erected in the summer and available for next school year. This playground project was originally funded by monies budgeted in the 2022/23 FY proposed budget but will now be covered by Esser II grant funds. The budgeted funds will be applied to other projects in the five-year facilities plan. This requires Board action.
VII.G. Sustainability Recommendations
Jennifer Miller
Jenn will provide an update on the progress and goals of the Sustainability Committee as well as recommendations for the future. This is informational and does not require Board action at this time.
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Policy Review - Administering Medications to Students
Second reading of Policy 5141.21 Administering Medications to Students
VIII.B. Closing of LOLHS Project
IX. Executive Session
IX.A. Superintendent's End of Year Review
Diane Linderman and Board Members
X. Adjournment