June 5, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of May 1, 2013
II.B. Executive Session of May 1, 2013
II.C. District Budget Meeting of May 6, 2013
III. Visitors
III.A. Report from Student Representatives
III.B. Public Comment
III.C. Recognition of Retirees
We have a number of employees retiring and will take a moment to recognize each of them individually.
III.D. Science Olympiad Team
As previously noted, the Science Olympiad team won the state championship followed by a trip to the national competition in Dayton, Ohio. Members of this team, along with the team advisors, will be present to be recognized and to present a brief description of the program and its accomplishments.
III.E. LOLHS Crew Team
The Boys' Varsity Crew 8 and 4 man boats won the Connecticut Public Schools Rowing Association’s State Championship. The Boys first Varsity 4 placed fourth at New England’s, a mere 2 seconds away from qualifying for the national championship! In addition to the fourth place finish by the boys' first boat, the Girls' first Varsity 4 as well as the Boys second Varsity 4 placed fifth at New England’s. The New England championship capped off our most successful season as a varsity crew program ever. Congratulations!
III.F. Memorial Day Essay Winners
Ian Neviaser
The Memorial Day essay contest winners have been invited to the meeting to read their winning essays. We will welcome and recognize them for their accomplishments.
III.G. CABE Student Leadership Awards
Ian Neviaser
Each year, CABE invites its member Boards to recognize outstanding student leaders at the middle and high school levels. The principals of each school are asked to facilitate the selection of the students based on a given set of criteria. Mr. Wygonik and Mr. Pomroy will recognize the award winners.
III.H. Lions Club Presentation of Scholarships and Peace Poster Contest Winners
A representative from the Lions Club has asked to present the organization’s annual scholarships to several LOLHS students at this meeting. We welcome the Lions Club and the award recipients to this meeting for the presentation.
IV. Administrative Reports
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.B. Business Manager's Report
Ms. Warren will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
V. Chairman & Board Report
VI. New Business
VI.A. New AP English Course at High School
Beth Borden
Enclosed you will find a proposal for a new AP English course at LOLHS. Dr. Borden will discuss the rationale behind this decision. Board policy assigns the task of curriculum development to a committee. However, the practice has been to present new courses to the full Board. There are no new staffing requirements. No action is required.
VI.B. Participation in State and Federal Grants
Each year the Board is asked to approve application for all state and federal grants. These include those for special education as well as remedial, staff development and other entitlement grants. A single motion authorizes the administration to apply for all that the District is eligible. This requires Board action.
VI.C. Rescinding of Teacher Nonrenewals
Ian Neviaser
Now that the communities have approved our proposed budget, we are able to rescind the non-renewals of staff members. This will allow us to make appointments for next year and finalize our scheduling and placements. This requires Board action.
VI.D. Appointment of Superintendent Designee per Policy 7250
Ian Neviaser
Each year the Board is asked to appoint a designee(s) to act in the absence of the Superintendent as necessary. It is useful to have the Board designate two individuals for the rare occasions when both the Superintendent and Director of Curriculum are unavailable. I recommend the Board approve Dr. Borden and Mrs. Johnston as designees for this purpose. This requires Board action
VI.E. Elementary School Wireless Network Installation
John Rhodes
As discussed during budget deliberations, one of the goals of our technology plan is to have our wireless network extend to all district buildings. The Board had approved the use of funds from the 12-13 budget for this purpose. Mr. Rhodes will review the proposal and answer any questions regarding this installation. This requires Board action.
VI.F. Computer Replacement Purchase
John Rhodes
As part of our technology plan, we follow a regular cycle of computer replacements to remain current. This request will keep us committed to that cycle. Mr. Rhodes will present this information and answer any questions you may have. This requires Board action.
VI.G. Lease/Purchase of Mower
John Rhodes
The school district has historically contracted for the mowing of the athletic fields at an annual cost of approximately $16,125. Last year we purchased a used mower for $5,000 to determine whether our Facilities Staff could mow the athletic fields without having to contract with an outside firm. Based on this trial, we are recommending that we purchase a new Toro mower as outlined in the attached document. Mr. Rhodes will present this proposal. This requires Board action.
VI.H. Middle School Lighting Efficiency Upgrade
John Rhodes
The Facilities Committee has recommended a continual review of energy usage combined with investments that will reduce our energy costs. This proposal will provide more efficient lighting to help reduce our energy costs. Mr. Rhodes will present this proposal. This requires Board action.
VI.I. Lyme School Generator Installation
John Rhodes
We had previously budgeted for the installation of a generator at Lyme Consolidated School. The town of Lyme has shown an interest in sharing this generator for their Town Hall and new library at no additional cost to the district. The results of the bidding are enclosed and will be presented by Mr. Rhodes. This requires Board action.
VI.J. High School Parking Lot Paving
John Rhodes
Paving of the existing high school parking lots was not included as a part of the original high school project scope. However, both the Building Committee and the Board requested pricing to repave these parking lots to ensure full completion of the project. Mr. Rhodes will present the bidding results. This requires Board action.
VI.K. Grounds Maintenance Contract
John Rhodes
The renewal of our three year grounds maintenance contract bids are enclosed for your review. Mr. Rhodes will present and will be available to answer questions regarding this budget item. This requires Board action.
VII. Old Business
VII.A. Field Trip Discussion
As promised at the last meeting, I have reviewed the data relative to field trips at the high school. This review included field trip data from this school year, current attendance policies, and new regulations adopted by the State Board of Education regarding attendance. This school year students at LOLHS went on 57 field trips. 1013 students participated in those trips. (Obviously, there is significant overlap as we do not have 1013 students at LOLHS.) The total time out of class for these trips amounted to 192.5 hours out of school. As a point of reference, we report annually to the state our total hours of instruction as 1056/year. Additional information is attached.
Based on this review, along with the input of community members, I am recommending the consideration and approval of two field trips included as an attachment. This requires Board action.
VII.B. Reports of Committees: Facilities, Building, Technology, Policy, Communications, Finance, Human Resources, Enrollment & Equity, LEARN, Comcast
VIII. Correspondence
IX. Executive Session: Contracts of Employment for Superintendent, Business Manager and Director of Facilities and Technology and Year End Evaluation of Superintendent (any votes will take place in open session)
We will address three separate issues in the executive session. The first will be my annual evaluation which will be presented by Dr. Jones. Upon conclusion of that discussion we will discuss the contract terms negotiated by the HR committee for Ms. Warren and Mr. Rhodes. Finally, we will discuss my contract terms for next year as negotiated with the HR committee. If the Board chooses to accept the terms as recommended by the HR committee, we will need to move into open session to vote for approval.
X. Adjournment