June 6, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order / Attendance (6:00 PM) Daniel Hand High School - Senior Commons (Bridge)
II. Recognition/Reception for Retirees
II.A. 2017 Madison Public Schools Retirees
III. Business Session - Daniel Hand High School Library Media Center Classroom
IV. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Aidan Hughes and Emily Baker
IV.A. Introduce the 2017-2018 Board of Education Student Representative
V. Superintendent's Report
Thomas R. Scarice
V.A. Other Matters
VI. Board Members' Comments
VII. Audience Response to Information Presented (Ref. Bylaw #9540.10)
VIII. Consent Agenda (Ref. Bylaw #9540.2 and #9540.8)
VIII.A. Bills Payable: $14,326.99 2015-2016 Budget and $272,324.95 2016-2017 Budget
VIII.B. Line Transfers: $209,987.96
VIII.C. Budget Expenditure as of May 31, 2017
IX. Action Item: Minutes of the May 23, 2017 Board of Education Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.9)
X. Action Item: To approve the removal of used books and equipment (Ref. Policy #3260) (on file)
XI. Old Business
XII. Future Agenda Items
XIII. Meetings / Dates of Importance (see attached) June, July & August 2017 Calendars
XIV. Action Item: To enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel Matter, Pending Litigation, NAGE Contract
XIV.A. Discussion: Personnel Matter, Pending Litigation, NAGE Contract
XV. Action Item: To approve the NAGE bargaining agreement for the period of 7/1/17 – 6/30/20.
XVI. Adjournment