August 7, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Silent Roll Call
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Student Recognition
VII. We will instill a culture that exemplifies our core beliefs.
V. Staff Recognition
VII. We will instill a culture that exemplifies our core beliefs.
VI. Open Forum
II. We will engage all members of the community in the education process.
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Approve Minutes
VII.B. Approve Payment of Bills
VII.C. Accept a donation from Teri Lund in the amount of $200 for Royster Middle School to use for character and incentive programs
VII.D. Adopt the Child Nutrition & Wellness Kansas Department of Education 2024-25 Program Agreement Addendum Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program as attached
VII.E. Adopt the 2024-2025 Food Service Prices
VII.F. Accept the Secondary School Improvement Grant Award FY25DO413 in the amount of $21,961 for vocational purposes at Chanute High School
VII.G. Approve MOU with the CNEA for a monthly increase of .10 to the Insurance benefit and date changes related to the tuition pool applications
VII.H. Schedule the Revenue Neutral Rate Hearing for September 4th at 6:00pm, Chanute Elementary School
VII.I. Schedule the 2024-2025 Budget Hearing September 4, 6:05 pm at Chanute Elementary School
VII.J. Approve the Agreement with the State of Kansas to participate in the Kansas Setoff Program for collection of bad debt
VII.K. Accept a donation in the amount of $20.60 from Casey's General Stores Rewards program, Casey's Cash for Classrooms, for Lincoln Early Learning Center
VII.L. Declare the attached E-Waste list as surplus and provide proper disposal
VII.M. Declare 1285 non-fiction books at Royster Middle School as outdated and provide proper disposal
VII.N. Adopt the new daily rate for on-call substitute teachers as follows:
Days 1-10, $110 Days 11-20, $120 Days 21, 30, $130 All days over 30, $140 |
VIII. Discussion Items
IX. Building Administration/Student Reports
X. Reports by Administrators
X.A. Superintendent's Report
Matt Koester
X.B. Assistant Superintendent's Report
Dr. G Kent Wire
XI. ANW Special Education Cooperative Board Meeting Report
I. We will provide diverse individualized learning opportunities.
XII. Unfinished Business
XII.A. Adopt Policy Updates as presented
XIII. New Business
XIII.A. Approve Comet/Panther College Now Memorandum of Understanding
XIII.B. LELC Parking Lot Improvements Addendum
XIV. Board Member Comments
VII. We will instill a culture that exemplifies our core beliefs.
XV. Closed Executive Session to discuss potential properties pursuant to the exception for preliminary discussion of the acquisition of real property under KOMA
XVI. Reconvene to open meeting to take actions desired/necessary
XVII. Closed executive session to discuss resignations/retirements/employments/transfers of non-elected personnel pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception under KOMA.
III. We will grow the organizational capacity.
XVIII. Reconvene to open meeting to take actions desired/necessary
XIX. Adjournment