June 25, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
"I call this meeting of the Bellville Independent School District to order. Let the record show that a quorum of board members is present, that this meeting has been duly called and that Notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551."
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Open Forum/Communications
5. Reports & Discussion Items
5.A. Academic Update, Overview, & Vision from our Chief Academic Officer-Natalie Jones
5.B. Monthly Financial Report -
5.C. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent's Report this month will include personnel update, COVID-19 Update, Graduation Arrangements Update, and Discussion of Calendar Recommendations and Considerations for the 2020-2021 School Year
5.C.1. Update regarding responsive actions to COVID-19 including waiver of Board Training Requirements & Extended Deadlines
5.C.2. Review of TEA Guidelines and 2020-2021 BISD Operational Guidelines for Reopening Schools in August.
5.D. Update on Capital Improvement Assessments & Projects
BISD is currently investigating improvement options for the West End Elementary Roof, O'Bryant Primary Parking, Ag Building Parking, BJHS Lounge, BHS Air Vent System, BISD Stadium Storage, Maintenance-Transportation Facilities, a Band Tower, and Security Vestibules on all campuses.
5.E. Discussion of future Capital Improvement Projects & Procurement Methods
5.F. Discuss responsive actions to BISD Safety Audit.
6. Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Approve minutes of Regular Meeting of the BISD Board of Trustees on June 11
6.B. Approve minutes of Regular Board Meeting on May 21.
6.C. Approve Budget Amendments & Donations
6.D. Certify Waiver Submission for Missed School Days.
6.E. Approve Submission of Waiver of Instructional Minutes for Professional Development.
6.F. Approve Amendment to 2020-2021 BISD Academic Calendar to include COVID Make-Up Days at the end of the regularly scheduled school year.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider actions necessary in response to circumstances resulting from COVID19 such as employee pay, operations, activities, events, waivers, academic calendar, etc
7.B. Consider action on purchase of Promethean boards for new pathway classes.
7.C. Consider Board Resolution to uncommit Fund Balance for West End Roof
7.D. Consider Budget Amendment to uncommit Fund Balance
7.E. Consider approval of financial audit service and fees for fiscal years Ending August 2020-2023
7.F. Consider recommendation for office and school supply proposals
7.G. Consider purchase of West End Elementary Marque
7.H. Consider action to approve contractor and costs related to remodel of the BJHS Lounge and Workroom.
8. Executive Session
Closed meeting will be held for the purposes authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.071, and those listed on this notice, concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the sections and purposes identified on the notice:
8.A. Consider contract renewal for professional/staff to be employed for 2020-2021. (551.074)
8.B. Discuss new personnel and resignations. (551.074)
8.C. For the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. (551.072)
9. Reconvene Open Session
9.A. Consider approval of Superintendents recommendation of personnel. (551.074)
9.B. The Board will take action on items from Closed Session as needed.
10. Board Report
10.A. Consider meeting dates and schedule for the 2020-2021 school year.
10.B. Discuss process for Superintendent's Formal Evaluation in July.
11. Adjourn