March 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Community Forum
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Financial Report and Current Bills
Leslie Berry, Superintendent
The Board will receive the June Financial Report and Current Bills.
4.B. Minutes of the February 13, 2023 Regular Meeting.
Leslie Berry, Superintendent
5. Superintendent's Report
5.A. Facilities and maintenance report
Leslie Berry, Superintendent
The Board will receive an update on the current balances of the Activity Fund.
5.B. Transportation Report
6. Discussion/Action Items
6.A. Discuss and consider action on ERATE bid for internet access
6.B. Discuss,and consider accepting or rejecting bids submitted by other districts on 1 or both used buses.
6.C. Discuss and consider purchase of van bus
6.D. Adopt School Calendar for 2023-2024
6.E. Consider contracts for certified personnel
7. Closed Session
8. Action on Closed Session Items
9. Adjourn