May 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
III. Citizens Reports or Requests
IV. Tax Collectors Report
V. Approval of Bills
VI. Financial Report
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Principal's Report
VII.B. School Funding / Finance Update
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Discuss and Act on advertisement for Jr. High Science position
VIII.B. Discuss and Act on selection of school depository
IX. Closed Session
IX.A. Discuss reduction of personnel to meet 2011-2012 budget shortfall
IX.B. Discuss summer personnel employment for:
IX.B.1. Special Education Teacher and Teacher Assistant
IX.B.2. Maintenance
IX.B.3. Life Guard
IX.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code section 551.074. Hear a complaint/grievance against the superintendent of schools. No decision in executive session.
X. Action on Closed Session
X.A. Discuss and act on reduction of personnel to meet 2011-2012 budget shortfall.
X.B. Discuss and act on employment of summer personnel
X.B.1. Special Education Teacher and Teacher Assistant
X.B.2. Maintenance
X.B.3. Life Guard
X.C. Discuss and act on complaint/greivance against the superintendent of schools
XI. Adjournment