October 23, 2023 at 5:45 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Testimony/Forum
3. Public hearing for FIRST Rating (Financial Integrity Rating System Texas)
4. Discuss and consider FIRST Rating for Chisum ISD.
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Financial Statement
5.B. Minutes from August 7th and September 11, 2023 meetings
6. Discuss and Consider District Improvement Plan with Professional Development Plan Addendum for current school year.
7. Discuss and Consider Campus Improvement Plans for current school year.
8. Discuss and consider District Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
9. Discuss and consider Campus Parent and Family Engagement Policies
10. Discuss and Consider District of Innovation amendment/change.
11. Discuss and consider Board Resolution for Region VI Purchasing Co-op "Epic 6".
12. Discuss and consider adopting updated TASB Board Policy DEC (Local)
13. Discuss and consider November and December Retention Stipends.
14. Discuss and consider Guardian Team Members.
15. Discuss and consider Certification Waiver
16. Superintendent Report
16.A. Budget amendments
16.B. School board training opportunities
16.C. Principal Appreciation Month
16.D. Enrollment numbers
17. Discuss and consider budget amendments
18. Adjourn