October 24, 2022 at 5:45 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Testimony
3. Public Forum
4. Discuss Fine Arts recognition
5. Public hearing for FIRST Rating (Financial Integrity Rating System Texas)
6. Discuss and consider FIRST Rating for Chisum ISD.
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Financial Statement
7.B. Minutes from September 12 and 19, 2022 meetings
8. Discuss and Consider District Improvement Plan for current school year
9. Discuss and Consider Campus Improvement Plans for current school year.
10. Discuss and consider Texas School Safety Center Intruder Detection Audit.
11. Discuss and consider stipend scale.
12. Superintendent Report
12.A. Budget amendments
12.B. School board training opportunities
12.C. Principal Appreciation Month
12.D. Enrollment numbers
13. Discuss and consider Lamar County Special Education Cooperative Shared Services Arrangement Agreement
14. Public hearing on the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Mockingbird Solar Center, LLC, Comptroller application #1711, pursuant to Texas Tax Code 313.
15. Discuss and consider Acknowledgement of Conflict of Interest Policies BBFA (legal) and (local) in connection with an Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Mockingbird Solar Center, LLC, Comptroller Application #1711, pursuant to Texas Tax code 313.
16. Discuss and consider action to adopt the Findings of Fact of the Chisum ISD Board of Trustees in connection with the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property from Mockingbird Solar Center, LLC, Comptroller #1711, pursuant to Texas Tax Code 313.
17. Discuss and consider action to approve the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property and enter into an agreement for Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes by and between Chisum ISD and Mockingbird Solar Center, LLC, Comptroller Application #1711, pursuant to Texas Tac Code 313.
18. Discuss and consider Resolution of the Board of Trustees of Chisum Independent School District.
19. Discuss and consider committed fund balance projects for 2022-2023 year.
20. Discuss and consider Annual ESL Report of Educational Performance for 2021-2022
21. Discuss and consider budget amendments
22. Adjourn