July 21, 2022 at 5:45 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Testimony
3. Public Hearing and comment for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Grant 2022-2023.
4. Public Hearing and comment for State Compensatory Education (SCE) Manual(s) and Policies and Procedures for the current year and for the 22-23 school year.
5. Discuss and consider State Compensatory Education (SCE) Manual(s) for current year and for school year 22-23.
6. Public hearing for Chisum ISD Safe Return to In Person Instruction Plan and our use of funds for Esser III Grant
7. Public meeting to discuss the Office of Civil Rights guidelines for: Title VI, Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Age Discrimination of 1975.
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Minutes from June 6, 2022
8.B. Financial statement
8.C. Finance Check List
8.D. Board Budget Report
9. Discuss and consider TASB Policy Update 119.
10. Discuss and consider Request for Local Certification for the 22-23 school year for Career and Technology Education.
11. Discuss and consider Chisum ISD Employee Handbook
12. Discuss and consider Chapter 41 options.
13. Discuss and consider agreement for the purchase of attendance credit.
14. Discuss and consider proposed tax rate
15. Discuss and consider approving/denying existing transfer students for the upcoming 22-23 school year who were enrolled in Chisum ISD during the 2021-2022 school year.
16. Discuss and consider Emergency Operation Plan
17. Discuss and consider updating TASB policy BQB (local).
18. Discuss and consider rescinding the Covid-19 sick days for the 22-23 school year.
19. Administrative Reports
19.A. Superintendent's Report
19.A.1. Committed fund Balance Project Update
19.A.2. Summer hires
19.A.3. Budget update
19.A.4. Back to school update
19.A.5. School board training
19.B. Budget Amendments
19.C. School Safety
20. Closed Session
20.A. Discuss salaries of cafeteria director, maintenance workers, and director, bus drivers, business office assistants, technology director and technology technician, principals, and assistant principals, and SRO.
20.B. Consultation meeting with school attorneys
20.C. Discuss Guardian Team Members
21. Consider salaries of cafeteria director, maintenance workers and director, bus drivers, business office assistants, technology director and technology technician, principals, and assistant principals, and SRO.
22. Consider Guardian Team members
23. Consider and possible approval of settlement agreement in Chisum ISD v. Archer Construction, INC., et. al. cause #87806, 62nd Judicial District, Lamar District Court.
24. Discuss and consider budget amendments.
25. Discuss and consider giving Superintendent authority to obtain local bids/quotes for the purpose of school security and safety for items over the $50,000.00 threshold.
26. Adjourn