March 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Establish a quorum and call meeting to order
Opening Prayer & Pledges
Forum for community input
Consent Agenda
Monthly Check Register
Finance/Investment Report
Budget Amendments/Reallocation
Minutes from previous meeting
Administrative Team Reports
Review and possibly approve the 2022-23 School Calendar recommended by the District Improvement Committee
2022-23 Proposed Budget Plan
Discuss and possibly approve the following positions for the upcoming 2022-23 school year based on district needs due to increased enrollment and compliance requirements: (All positions may be assigned a dual contract if teaching & coaching align)
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
High school math poistion (currently half-time)
Dual assitant band director and teacher
Elementary teaching position
In School Suspension Teacher (currently para position)
Dual credit teacher (currently taught off campus)
Review and possibly approve LOCAL policy changes
Discuss and possibly approve the amended Interlocal Participation Agreement of the TASB Risk Management Fund.
Executive Session
551.074 Discuss personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
Review and possibly approve the teacher contract recommendations for the 2022-23 school year
Action on Items discussed in Executive Session