February 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Establish a quorum and call meeting to order
Opening Student Prayer & Pledges
Forum for community input
Consent Agenda
Monthly Check Register
Finance/Investment Report
Budget Amendments/Reallocation
Minutes from previous meeting
Administrative Team Reports
Notification of a proposed renewal and amended District of Innovation plan as recommended by the district improvement team.
Approve Athletic Uniform rotation schedule and budget
Public hearing to discuss 2020-2021 Texas Academic Performance Report
Request creating a new position to serve a dual position as an assistant band director and teacher for both middle school and high school campuses
Approve the Design Development phase as presented by Claycomb Associates, Architects and allow the architects to move into the Construction Documents phase
Possibly consider and approve facility improvements
Ag Barn Renovation Track Expansion |
Executive Session
551.071 Private consultation with the board's attorney
551.072 Discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
551.074 Discuss personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
Consider Administrator Contracts
A. Elementary Principal, Beth Luhn
B. Elementary Assist. Principal, Lisa Brannon C. Middle School Principal, Dr. Shannon Wilhite D. Middle School Dean of Students, Tammy Ragsdale E. High School Principal, Nathan Compton F. High School Assistant Principal, Robert Whitehead G. College Street Campus Director, Jared Smith H. Director of Academics & Accountability, Jeff Hicks I. Athletic Director, Logan Turner |
Action on items discussed in executive session