June 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Establish a quorum and call meeting to order
Opening prayer
Public Hearing to discuss the 2015-16 Proposed Budget
Forum for community input
Consent Agenda
Financial Report
Minutes from previous meetings
Budget Amendments
2014-15 Expenditures not in budget
Adopt the 2015-16 Budget
Discussion Items
Review CDA (LOCAL) Investment Policy
Discuss use of facilities.
Executive Session
Action Items
Policy Update 102, affecting local policies: CDA, DBB, DEA, DEAA, DEAB, DEE, DFFA, DHE, FNC and FO
Consider bid for technology and other equipment from Phoenix Charter School
Consider bids for tiling floors in high school.
Consider bids for baseball field renovation
Approve last payment of the Lease Purchase of the LO High School out of the I & S Fund in August 2015
Consider bid on bus repair.
Consider Board/Superintendent Goals 2015-2016