February 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Agenda of Regular Meeting
Agenda |
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
4.A. A representative from Solution Tree will recognize SPC. Rafael Hernando III Middle School faculty and staff members for becoming a National Model PLC School
5.A. Consider approval of National School Breakfast Week, March 20-24, 2023
Presenter: Shelley D. Chenausky
INFO: **Across the Nation, National School Breakfast week is celebrated, allowing districts throughout the country to showcase their Breakfast Programs.
7.A. 2021-2022 Annual Report
Presenter: Kelly McBain
INFO: **The Texas Education Code Chapter 39.306 requires each District's Board of Trustees to hold a public hearing to discuss the District's Annual Report.
8.A. Districtwide Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
Presenter: James Nunn
INFO: **An Intruder Detection Audit was conducted in the district by Region 19 ESC. Findings will be shared with the District School Safety and Security Committee, and the Board of Trustees. A plan of action is in place and will be shared with the Board of Trustees.
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
9.A.1. January 17, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
9.A.2. February 2, 2023 Special Board Meeting
9.B. Consider approval of Requests for the Use of School Facilities
9.B.1. EP Showcase ALL STARS for the use of Pebble Hills High School
9.B.2. Alchemy Karate Academy for the use of O'Shea Keleher Elementary School
9.B.3. Centro Apostolico de El Paso (CADEP) for the use of El Dorado High School
9.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
9.C.1. January 17, 2023
9.C.2. February 23, 2023
9.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
9.D.1. Custodial Chemical Management System for Child Nutrition Services - RFP No. E2338
INFO: **Solicitation to provide the Child Nutrition Services Department with a custodial chemical management system as needed district wide. (Maximum $125,000-National School Lunch Program Funds)
9.D.2. Elementary Cafeteria Tables - RFP No. E2346
INFO: Solicitation to provide the Child Nutrition Services Department with the ability to purchase cafeteria tables as needed district wide. (Maximum $116,640-National School Lunch Program Funds)
9.D.3. Real Estate Agent/Brokerage Services - RFQ No. E2334
INFO: **Solicitation to procure Real Estate Agent/Brokerage services as needed district wide. (Maximum: To Be Determined-General Funds)
9.D.4. Student and Finance Software System - RFP No. E2339
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase a Student and Finance Software System as needed district wide. (Maximum: First Year $396,836; Second Year $1,454,260; Third Year: $1,252,744; Fourth Year $950,542; Fifth Year $950,542-General Fund Budget)
9.D.5. Request for Increase - District Insurance (Property, General, Automobile, Law Enforcement, Cyber and Crime, RFP No. E1942E
INFO: **The current annual premiums are $2,116,418.d0 and expire on June 30, 2023. The administration is requesting approval to increase the total annual premiums by 10-20% due to marketplace ratings. USI Southwest, Inc. will be able to provide the district premium updates once the underwriters are ready to release quotes, which will be approximately 30 days prior to the expiration date of the current premium.
9.E. Consider approval of Contracts
9.E.1. Affiliation Agreement - Web-Centric ACP Clinical Teaching Program
INFO: **This is to continue with the collaboration for the completion of clinical teaching experience required by the State of Texas, the state approved program and the State Board for Educator Certification. Web-Centtric ACP agrees to recommend placement in the clinical teaching program only those students who earned a satisfactory record and have met the requirements established by Web-Centric ACTP.
9.E.2. Affiliation Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - iteach Texas (Education Preparation Program)
INFO: **This MOU will allow for the completion of clinical teaching requirements. The District will provide appropriate and meaningful placement assignments that allow the Clinical Teacher to meet all certification requirements outlined by the Texas Education Agency and the EPP. Both parties agree to establish an ongoing, open communication system to ensure that the Clinical Teacher has the opportunity for successful completion of the clinical teaching practicum.
9.E.3. Interlocal Agreements
9.E.3.a. Region 17 West Texas Food Service Cooperative
INFO: **Region 17 ESC is the coordinating center for the West Texas Food Service Cooperative. The district utilizes the cooperative for commodity entitlement, food expenditure, and paper goods. (Maximum $17,000,000-Federal and USDA donated commodity and commercial dollars)
9.E.3.b. Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services utilizing El Paso Community College Contract #20-001A
INFO: **Socorro ISD shall pay to Deer Oaks EAP Services an amount per month equal to the Per Employee Per Month (PEPM) rate of reimbursement multiplied by the number of Employer's eligible Employees for such month. The monthly rate of reimbursement shall be $0.92 per employee per month throughout the term of this agreement.
9.E.4. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
9.E.4.a. Center Against Sexual and Family Violence
INFO: **The purpose is to create a collaborative partnership that will address the safety, awareness, and knowledge of students, faculty, staff, and Socorro Independent School District Police Department (SISD PD) in regards to sexual and family violence.
9.E.4.b. Second Amendment Educational Affiliation - The University of Texas at El Paso Clinical Teaching Residency Program
INFO: **The Second Amendment to the Agreement is to outline the responsibilities and commitments of the parties in providing the Data arising from the Program to include the definition, use and treatment of data.
9.E.4.c. The University of Texas at El Paso Research Project
INFO: **The purpose is to set forth the obligations of the parties pertaining to the Research Project and collaborate with UTEP's Computer Science Department. UTEP received a grant from the National Science Foundation to fund Coding like a Miner and computer science teachers are interested in participating.
9.E.5. Purchasing Cooperatives
9.E.5.a. 1GPA 23-01DP-03 Synthetic/Artificial Turf Upgrades
INFO: **The Athletic Department will utilize this cooperative to purchase synthetic/artificial turf upgrades in the amount of $2,872,632.00 as needed district wide for the 22-23 school year.
9.E.5.b. 1GPA #23-12P-02 Protective-Resistant Glass Film
INFO: **The district will utilize this cooperative to purchase protective-resistant glass film from FSJ Tactical LLC dba Safe Heaven Defense, in the amount of $2,011,681.53 for the 22-23 school year. This company offers bullet resistant products.
9.E.5.c. BuyBoard #630-20 Electric School Buses
INFO: **The Transportation Department will utilize the purchasing cooperative contract to purchase electric school buses for the estimated amount of $201,355.00 plus $800.00 for the BuyBoard purchase order fee.
9.E.5.d. Personal Protective Supplies, Materials and Equipment using various vendors awarded
INFO: **Administration will utilize this cooperative for the purchase of personal protective supplies, materials and equipment as needed in the amount of up to $600,000 through March 2023.
9.E.5.e. Region 19 Allied States Cooperative Contract #19-7337, USI Southwest Inc.
INFO: **The purpose is to continue with Professional Malpractice Insurance to operate the District Health Clinic. The purchase will be in the amount of $21,668.07. Administration requests approval for future premium increases as needed for any additional professional positions.
9.F. Consider approval of Counselor Substitute Pay Increase
INFO: **Prior to 2022-2023, teacher substitute pay was $100 a day. Counselor substitute pay was $125 a day. Prior to the start of the 2022-2023 school year, teacher substitute pay increased to $150 a day. Inadvertently, counselor substitute pay was not increased. It is recommended that counselor substitute pay be increased to $220 a day in order to attract qualified master's level counselor substitutes.
9.G. Consider approval of TEA Waiver for Low Attendance Safety Related Day of January 19, 2023 at El Dorado High School
INFO: **The information being presented identifies ADA comparison for the Safety Related Day of January 19, 2023 as compared to the previous school year.
9.H. Consider approval of Team Sports Officiating High School Course, New TEA PE Innovative Course
INFO: **Course Description: Students enrolled in Team Sport Officiating learn the rules and regulations of selected team sports, developing skills in the area of communication, decision making, and conflict management which are needed to officiate team sport competitions.
9.I. Consider approval of SHAC Semi Annual Report 2022
INFO: **The semi-annual report reflects the updates and events that have taken place within the SHAC from July 2022-December 2022.
10.A. Consider approval of Auxiliary Gymnasium Improvements Package One (Re-Bid), CSP No. 2349
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **This solicitation is to provide all labor and materials for package one of the Auxiliary Gymnasium Improvement projects. (Maximum $1,156,328.00-General Fund Budget)
10.B. Consider approval of Auxiliary Gymnasium Improvements Package Three (Re-Bid), CSP No. 2350
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **This solicitation is to provide all labor and materials for package three of the Auxiliary Gymnasium Improvement projects. (Maximum $1,388,617-General Fund Budget)
10.C. Consider approval of the 2023-2024 proposed Boundary Adjustments
Presenter: Dr. Andrea Cruz
INFO: **This proposal will affect the attendance community boundaries for John Drugan and Loma Verde.
11.A. The meeting is to be closed for consultation with legal counsel related to the status and possible resolution of A. Moctezuma v. SISD, No. 2021DCV4140, in County Court No. 3; for discussion regarding termination of the probationary contract and pursuing sanctions against teacher from Montwood High School, for possible abandonment of his 2022-2023 contract pursuant to TEC 21.210 and 19 TAC 249.14; for discussion regarding consideration of proposed termination of probationary contract of teacher at Mission Early College High School for good cause; to receive letters regarding Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings for Bill Sybert School, Eastlake High School, H.D. Hilley Elementary School, Purple Heart Elementary School, Salvador H. Sanchez Middle School, and Socorro High School; to deliberate the Superintendent's appraisal; to consider administrative recommendations for Principal positions at Jane A. Hambric School, KEYS Academy/Options High School, and Sgt. Roberto Ituarte Elementary School; Director of Information Security; and Assistant Principal position at El Dorado High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.076.
12.A. Discussion and possible action regarding A. Moctezuma v. SISD, No. 2021DCV4140
Presenter: Legal Counsel
12.B. Discussion and possible action regarding termination of the probationary contract and pursuing sanctions against teacher from Montwood High School, for possible abandonment of his 2022-2023 contract
Presenter: Legal Counsel
12.C. Discussion and possible action regarding termination of probationary contract for teacher at Mission Early College High School for good cause
Presenter: Legal Counsel
12.D. Possible action regarding Superintendent's appraisal
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
12.E. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
12.E.1. Principal
12.E.1.a. Jane A. Hambric School
12.E.1.b. KEYS Academy/Options High School
12.E.1.c. Sgt. Roberto Ituarte Elementary School
12.E.2. Director of Information Security
12.E.3. Assistant Principal, El Dorado High School