June 17, 2024 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.a. Invocation
I.b. Welcome and Recognition of Guests
I.c. Public Comments
II. Consent Agenda
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
II.a. Minutes of the May 2024 Board Meeting
Marlene McKinney
II.b. Quarterly Summary of Investments Report
Jackie Brand
Information includes the FPC Comparative Statement of Changes in Investment Assets for the Quarter Ending May 2024; the Compliance Statement for the Quarter Ending May 2024; and the Summary of Investments for the Quarter Ending May 2024.
II.c. Property Bids
Attached is One (1) Tax Deed and corresponding Property Cards for Trust Properties in Borger.
The property card is attached simply for your reference when considering the deed. The following is the parcel and bidder information for the Tax Deed that is attached to this email: Parcel 16942, winning bidder Christopher John Braun for the amount of $15,002.00 The money has been received for the property and is being held per your approval.
III. Closed Session: 551.074 Personnel Matters
IV. Open Session
Marlene McKinney
V. New Business - Discussion
V.a. Monthly Financial Report
Jackie Brand
V.b. Funding and Donations Report
VI. New Business - Action
VI.a. Policy Update 47
Policy Update 47 for the Board Policy Manual from TASB contains (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) policy changes. (LEGAL) policy changes should be reviewed. (LOCAL) policy changes, which are recommended by TASB Community College Services, must be added, revised, or deleted. See attachments for details regarding the updates.
VI.b. Order and Notice for General Election and Joint Election Order
A Joint Election Order will be issued by the Hutchinson County District for the election scheduled for November 5, 2024. To this date, there are no other entities combining their elections with the Hutchinson County District and Frank Phillips College (Borger Junior College District), Borger Independent School District. Upon approval of the Joint Election Order, Frank Phillips College will be included in the joint election and shall be solely responsible for paying the expense of the College District's election supplies and all other costs of its election. Should Frank Phillips College meet the qualifications under the law to cancel its election due to unopposed candidates, the District will share expenses incurred up to and including the last day for write-in candidates to declare candidacy which is 5:00 p.m. August 19, 2024.
Further, the Board of Regents of Frank Phillips College shall issue a Notice of General Election for the November 5, 2024, General Election, to elect representatives for the following seats:
VI.c. Approval of Engineer
Final approval of engineer for the Campus Roofing projects.
VII. Items of Information
VII.a. Annual Calendar for Board of Regents
VII.b. Upcoming Dates and Events
VII.c. President's Evaluation Form
VIII. Administrative and Board Reports
VIII.a. President
VIII.b. Vice President
VIII.c. Provosts and Deans
VIII.d. Board Members
IX. Adjourn