March 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Invocation
I.B. Establish a Quorum
I.C. Public Comment / Open Forum
II. Recognitions
II.A. All State Football - Jack Wilkerson and Brenen Thompson
III. Consent Item(s)
III.A. Approve Minutes of February 12, 2020 Regular Board meeting
III.B. Ratification of Bills
III.C. Year-to-Date Tax Revenue Analysis
III.D. Year-to-Date Budget Function Compilation
III.E. Investment Comparison Calendar Year-to-Date
III.F. Acceptance of Gifts or Donations
IV. Information and Announcement Item(s)
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.A.1. District Enrollment
IV.B. Campus/Director Reports
IV.B.1. Report from the Student Services, Mental Health and Safety Coordinator
IV.B.2. Board Briefing and Report on the Coronavirus and District protocols by Dr. Mark Garnett and Nurse Sally Swan
V. Action/Discussion Item(s)
V.A. Discuss Superintendent Search process and timelines
V.B. Update and Discussion of Staffing Patterns, Extra and Co-Curricular, and Instructional Programs
V.C. Consider and Approve Contracts for New Professional Employees
V.D. Discuss and Action on change of Election and Alternate Judges
V.E. Discuss and Consider Action on Capital/Facility Improvement Projects and Needs
VI. Executive Session/Closed Meeting - Texas Open Meetings Act
VII. Reconvene Into Open Meeting
VII.A. Action, if any, which may be appropriate from Closed Meeting
VIII. Adjournment