July 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Invocation
I.B. Establish a Quorum
I.C. Public Comment/Open Forum
II. Recognitions
III. Consent Item(s)
III.A. Approve Minutes of June 15, 2015 Regular Meeting
III.B. Ratification of Bills
III.C. Year-to-Date Tax Revenue Analysis
III.D. Year-to-Date Budget Function Compilation
III.E. District Financial Report
III.F. Investment Comparison Calendar Year To Date
III.G. Gas & Diesel Bids
IV. Information and Announcement Item(s)
IV.A. Superintendent's Report
IV.A.1. 2013-14 District Snapshot
IV.A.2. Summer STAAR and EOC results
IV.B. Campus Reports
IV.C. Substitute Report
V. Action/Discussion Item(s)
V.A. Approve Resolution regarding Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization
V.B. Approve Milk Bids
V.C. Consider and Approve Education Service Center Contracts for 2015-16
V.D. Consider and Approve District Health Insurance Contribution
V.E. Consider and approve 2015-16 Staff Salary Schedules
V.F. Review Campus Student Handbooks and Athletic Handbook and changes to each from prior year
V.G. Update and discussion of Staffing Patterns and Instructional Programs
V.H. Consider approving contracts for employment on Professional employees
V.I. Discussion and consider actions on purchase of additional Activity buses and set vehicle specifications
V.J. Consider purchase of new freezer for the High School cafeteria
V.K. Discuss and consider action on Capital/Facility Improvement projects and needs
V.L. Budget Workshop for 2015-16 with discussion and review of First Final Drafts of Expenditures and Revenues, and Personnel Costs
V.M. Consider and approve hiring process and review of Chief Financial Officer applicants
VI. Executive Session/Closed Meeting - Texas Open Meetings Act
VII. Reconvene Into Open Meeting
VII.A. Action, if any, which may be appropriate from Closed Meeting
VIII. Adjournment