February 16, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order and Determine a Quorum - Presiding Officer
Pledge of Allegiance and Welcome
2. Public Forum - Presiding Officer
3. Policy Workshop - The Board will discuss the following local policies:
AIB - Accountability: Performance Reporting BF - Board Policies CL - Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management EFA - Instructional Resources: Instructional Materials EMB - Miscellaneous Instructional Policies: Teaching About Controversial Issues FM - Student Activities FNAA - Student Expression: Distribution of Nonschool Literature GKDA - Nonschool Use of School Facilities: Distribution of Nonschool Literature
4. Closed Session - Presiding Officer - The Board may adjourn into closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071 et seq. The Board may then re-enter into Open Session for further discussion and necessary action.
4.A. Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits. Texas Gov't Code §551.076 and §551.089
4.B. Personnel Matters. Texas Gov't Code §551.074
4.B.1) New hires/terminations/employee discipline
4.C. Deliberation Regarding Real Property. Texas Gov't Code §551.072
4.D. Consultation with Attorney. Texas Gov't Code §551.071
5. The Board will reconvene and take possible action on items discussed in executive session - Presiding Officer
6. Adjourn - Presiding Officer