July 20, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Special Recognition / Thank You
2. Consent Agenda
Board President
Discussion and necessary action - The following items may be considered in part or in entirety.
2.A. Acceptance of Agenda
2.B. Check Register - June 2015
2.C. Minutes of Regular Meeting, June 22, 2015
2.D. Minutes of Called Meeting, June 29, 2015
3. Citizen's Comments - Citizens who have registered with the Board's Secretary before the
meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to
speak other than the character of any student, staff or board member.
The Board may not discuss any matter that is not listed on the agenda,
except to direct information to the appropriate channels for resolution.
Board President
4. Reports - Discussion and necessary action to include, but not limited to:
4.A. Health, Safety Report
4.B. CFO's Report - Randy Rau
4.C. Principal's Report
4.D. Athletic Director's Report - Coach Warren
4.D.1) Additional Stipends
4.E. Curriculum Report - Dee Howard
4.F. Superintendent's Report - Dwain York
4.F.1) Campus Survey Results
4.F.2) Substitute Salary Recommendation
4.F.3) Bond update
4.F.4) Legislative Update
4.G. Board President's Report
4.G.1) Board designee to the TASB Delegate Assembly
5. Executive Session
Board President
The Board may adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.071-551.074, 551.076, and 551.082-551.084. The Board may then re-enter into Open Session for further discussion and necessary action.
5.A. Consultation with attorney (Section 551.071) to include, but not limited to:
5.A.1) Bond related issues
5.B. Personnel matters (Section 551.074) to include, but not limited to:
5.B.1) New hires/terminations/employee discipline
5.C. Deliberation regarding real property (Section 551.072)
5.C.1) Consider and act upon resale or trust property: Lot 21, Woodcreek Subdivision, Section 8, Hays County, Texas, Tax Account No. R49428
6. Action on items discussed in executive session
Board President
7. Prepare for next meeting - Discussion to include, but not limited to:
Set date, time, and place of next meeting, Upcoming agenda items
Board President
8. Adjourn