July 28, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Special Recognition / Thank You
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Acceptance of Agenda
2.B. Check Register - May 2014
2.C. Budget amendment
2.D. Minutes of Regular Meeting, June 16, 2014
2.E. Minutes of Called Meeting, June 26, 2014
2.F. Approval of Option 3 for the 2014-15 Chapter 41 payment
2.G. District Improvement Plan
2.H. Scudder - Campus Improvement Plan
3. Citizen's Comments - Citizens who have registered with the Board's Secretary before the
meeting begins and shall indicate the topic about which they wish to
speak other than the character of any student, staff or board member.
The Board may not discuss any matter that is not listed on the agenda,
except to direct information to the appropriate channels for resolution.
4. Report from Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott LLP
Sergio Garcia
5. Consideration and possible action on Resolution authorizing the extension of contract for the collection of delinquent taxes with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott LLP
6. Board Policy
Dee Howard
6.A. DEC (Local) - Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences
6.B. DK (Local) Assignments and Schedules
6.C. Resolution of the Board to suspend portions of EIE (Local) for the 2014-15 school year only
(Academic Achievement, Retention and Promotion)
7. 2014-15 Student Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct
8. Stipend recommendations
Randy Rau
9. Supplemental Pay Schedule
Randy Rau
10. Reports
10.A. Health and Safety, SRO Report - Dwain York
10.B. CFO's Report - Randy Rau
10.B.1) Financials
10.B.2) 2014-15 Budget draft
10.C. Principal's Report
10.D. Athletic Director's Report - Coach Warren
10.E. Curriculum Report - Dee Howard
10.E.1) English Language Learners (ELL) Progress Report
10.F. Superintendent's Report - Dwain York
10.F.1) Bond update
10.F.2) Bond Oversite Committee Report - Gary Keil
10.F.3) Legislative HB5 Update
10.G. Board President's Report - Ken Strange
10.G.1) Selection for TASB 2014 Delegate Assembly
11. District employees and officers:
11.A. New hires/contracts/resignations
11.B. Possible Appointment of public officer (Board of Trustee)
12. Prepare for next meeting - Discussion to include, but not limited to:
Set date, time, and place of next meeting, Upcoming agenda items
13. Adjourn