April 27, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll call
2. Call to Order
3. Prayer
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Open Forum. (the board encourages comments from citizens of the district and from district employees. Anyone wishing to speak, either as an individual or as a representative of a group may do so at this time. The board asks that comments pertain to public education issues and be no longer than five minutes. Legally the board may not discuss or act upon any issues that are not posted on our agenda for tonight's meeting. If an issue mentioned is listed on tonight's agenda, the board will defer discussion until appropriate time during the meeting.)
6. Information Items:
6.A. Curriculum update.
7. Action Items:
7.A. Recognize student accomplishments.
7.B. Consent Agenda.
7.B.1. March 30, 2016 minutes.
7.B.2. March expenditures.
7.B.3. Budget amendment.
7.B.4. Review district organizational chart.
7.B.5. Review district administrative matrix.
7.C. Set board meeting for canvassing election returns and board reorganization.
7.D. Consider auditors for fiscal year ending August 31, 2016 (2015-2016 fiscal year).
7.E. Consideration of and possible action regarding the proposed Amendment 1 to AIA A133-2009, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager as Construction where the bases of payment is the Cost of Work Plus a Fee with a Guaranteed Maximum Price, as modified, and to AIA A201-2007, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, as modified, for the Intermediate School Project.
7.F. Consideration of and possible action regarding the proposed Certificate of Substantial Completion for the Academy ISD Intermediate School Project.
7.G. Consider purchase of new band uniforms.
7.H. Consider extracurricular code of conduct.
7.I. Consider district facility improvements.
7.J. Consider additional district personnel.
7.K. Adjourn into executive session to discuss employee contracts, superintendent's recommendation for employment of contract personnel and resignations accepted by the superintendent. Texas Government Code 551.074
7.L. Convene into regular session to consider resignations accepted by the superintendent, superintendent's recommendation for employment of contract personnel and contract recommendations.
8. Information items:
8.A. 2016-2017 District salary schedule - 1st review.
8.B. Plans for 2016 graduation.
8.C. Quarterly investment report.
8.D. 4th 6 weeks enrollment, ADA, and projected student revenue.
8.E. 4th 6 weeks budget report.
8.F. Discussion of Pre-K and Kindergarten Round-Up.
9. Adjourn.