January 30, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll call
2. Call to Order
3. Prayer
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Open forum
Please keep comments to 5 minutes.
5.A. School Board Appreciation Month - Recognition.
6. Action Items:
6.A. Recognize District students.
6.B. Consider minutes from December and January meetings to date.
6.C. December expenditures.
6.D. Budget amendment.
6.E. Consider board member training hours.
6.F. Consider 2010-2011 school financial audit - Cunningham, Shavers, Christensen and Wright.
6.G. Consideration and possible action regarding selection of vendor for the demolition of the old middle school buildings.
6.H. Receive update from administration, and take possible action, concerning options related to replacing bus obtaining alternative transportation service related to bus unexpectedly taken out of service, including discussion and possible approval related to options to purchase bus, lease/purchase bus, procure independent transportation services, or accept donation of funds, vehicle, or services.
6.I. Consideration and possible action to determine the method of purchasing construction services and authority to purchase construction services for the District's lighting upgrade project.
6.J. Consideration and possible action to determine the method of purchasing construction services and authority to purchase construction services for the District's high school roof replacement project.
6.K. Order May board election.
6.L. Adjourn into executive session to consider the superintendent's evaluation and contract, discuss superintendent's recommendation for employment of contract personnel, discuss resignations accepted by the superintendent and consult with legal counsel by phone regarding potential claims related to recent vehicle accident and upon matters in which the duty of the attorney to the District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the provisions of the Government Code. Texas Government Code Section 551.074, section 551.071, Section 551.129.
6.M. Convene into regular session to consider superintendent's contract, to consider the superintendent's recommendation for employment of contract personnel, resignations accepted by the superintendent and other matters discussed in closed session.
7. Information items:
7.A. First semester curriculum report.
7.B. Quarterly investment report.
7.C. Set date for February meeting.
8. Adjourn.