January 24, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Roll call
2. Call to Order
3. Prayer
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Open forum
Please keep comments to 5 minutes.
5.A. School Board Appreciation Month - Recognition.
6. Action Items:
6.A. Recognize Elementary and Middle School Academic UIL and athletic achievements.
6.B. Consider minutes from December 20, 2010 meeting and training.
6.C. December expenditures.
6.D. Budget amendment.
6.E. Consider Bee Travelers out-of-state trip.
6.F. Consider 2009-2010 school financial audit - Cunningham, Shavers, Christensen and Wright.
6.G. Order May board election.
6.H. Consider purchase of technology upgrade.
6.I. Adjourn into executive session to consider the superintendent's evaluation and contract and discuss resignations accepted by the superintendent. Texas Government Code 551.074
6.J. Convene into regular session to consider superintendent's contract and resignations accepted by the superintendent.
7. Information items:
7.A. First semester curriculum report.
7.B. Quarterly investment report.
7.C. Five Year Plan update.
7.D. Set date for February meeting.
8. Adjourn.