November 18, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Public Comments
4. 1) PTO Presentation of Bylaws
5. Action Items
5.A. 2022 Election Agreement
5.B. Consideration and Action to Select an Architect/Engineer to provide services relating to the District's Elementary School Bus Lane Project, RFQ 21-01, and authorizing the Superintendent, or his designee, to take action as needed on the District's behalf.
5.C. 1. Review of 2020 Redistricting Report provided by Underwood Law Firm.
1. Revision del Informe del 2020 del bufete juridico Underwood sore la redistribution de distritos. 2. Consideration and possible Approval of a Resolution Adopting Principles for Use in the 2021 Redistricting Process. 2. Considerar para su posible aprobacion una Resolucion Para adoptar los principios a utilizer en el proceso de redistribucion de distritos del 2021. 3. Consideration and possible Approval of a Resolution Stating Guidelines for Persons Submitting Redistricting Plans and Comments. 3. Considerar para su posible aprobacion una Resolucion para establecer last pautas para last personas que presenten planes o comentarios sobre la redistribucion de distritos. 4. Consideration and possible Action to appoint members of the District's Redistricting Advisory Committee. 4. Considerar y adoptar posibles medidas para nombrar a miembros del Comite Asesor para la Redistribucion de los Distritos del distrito escolar. |
5.D. Consideration and/or approval for Campus Threat Assessment Terms as presented
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Financial Reports
6.B. Monthly Bills
6.C. Investments
6.D. Donations
6.E. Budget Amendment(s)
6.F. Minutes of Prior Meetings
7. Closed Session - The board will adjourn to closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to deliberate and consider the following:
7.A. Resignations
7.B. “Consult with legal counsel to receive advice concerning compliance with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 regarding redistricting of single-member districts.”
Sesión a puerta cerrada: “Consultar con el asesor jurídico para recibir asesoramiento para cumplir con las disposiciones de la Ley del Derecho al Voto de 1965 relativas a la redistribución de distritos de un solo miembro”. |
8. Open Session - Return to open session and take necessary action on matters which the board may discuss in closed session and upon which action may be taken.
8.A. 1. Review of 2020 Redistricting Report provided by Underwood Law Firm.
1. Revision del Informe del 2020 del bufete juridico Underwood sore la redistribution de distritos. 2. Consideration and possible Approval of a Resolution Adopting Principles for Use in the 2021 Redistricting Process. 2. Considerar para su posible aprobacion una Resolucion Para adoptar los principios a utilizer en el proceso de redistribucion de distritos del 2021. 3. Consideration and possible Approval of a Resolution Stating Guidelines for Persons Submitting Redistricting Plans and Comments. 3. Considerar para su posible aprobacion una Resolucion para establecer last pautas para last personas que presenten planes o comentarios sobre la redistribucion de distritos. 4. Consideration and possible Action to appoint members of the District's Redistricting Advisory Committee. 4. Considerar y adoptar posibles medidas para nombrar a miembros del Comite Asesor para la Redistribucion de los Distritos del distrito escolar. |
9. Future Meeting Dates
10. Adjournment