June 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
21-06-1 Public Comments
21-06-2 Consent Agenda: These items are considered to be routine by the board and will be enacted under one motion, unless a member of the board requests that an item be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
a. Minutes from previous meetings
b. Amend budget and pay outstanding bills
c. Quarterly investment report
21-06-3 Public comments giving input regarding the ESSER grant application
21-06-4 Discussion about ESSER II and ESSER III grants
21-06-5 Approve the ESSER III CB local resolution
21-06-6 Presentation by Scott Kingston with Tremco
21-06-7 Approve City View ISD procurement procedures for child nutrition programs
21-06-8 Approve the change order submitted by the Marseal Group to replace 35 air conditioning units on the Elementary campus
21-06-9 Approve the contractual agreement with URPG- sports medicine for the 2021-2022 school year
21-06-10 Discuss and approve contract extension with MP2 for district electricity service
21-06-11 Campus and District Reports
21-06-12 Personnel
a. New Hires
b. Resignations
c. Superintendents Appraisal
d. Discuss and approve Superintendents contract
21-06-13 Discuss Future Agenda Items and Meetings
21-06-14 Adjournment