October 8, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Open Forum
4. Public hearing of School FIRST report.
5. Review of September 2012 Financial Statement/Investment Report, Check Listing, Tax Report.
6. Consent Action Items
6.A. Approval of the minutes of the September 10, 2012 Regular Board Meeting.
7. Action Items
7.A. Consideration and acceptance of bid for sale of school vehicles 1990 Van Club Wagon XL and 1994 Chevrolet Suburban Silverado 1500.
7.B. Consideration and approval of TASB Policy Update 95, affecting LOCAL policies as follows.
7.B.1. AB (LOCAL) District Name
7.B.2. DFBB (LOCAL) Term Contracts: Nonrenewal
7.B.3. DFE (LOCAL) Termination of Employment: Resignation
7.B.4. DGBA (LOCAL) Personnel-Management Relations: Employee Complaints/Grievances
7.B.5. EIE (LOCAL) Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion
7.B.6. FNG (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
7.B.7. GF (LOCAL) Public Complaints
7.C. Consideration and approval of CMS Science Club Trip as presented.
8. Administrators' Reports
9. Superintendent's Report/Discussion Items
9.A. Facility and Maintenance Report
9.B. HCISD audit October 16-19, 2012
9.C. South Plains Association of School Boards-Tuesday, October 23, 2012
10. Board President needs to entertain a motion to enter executive session to discuss the following (TGCS 551.074)
10.A. Personnel (TGCS 551.074)
10.B. Exit executive session
11. Board Members Reports/Recommendations and/or Action Items:
12. Adjourn