February 27, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Delinquent Tax Report
Open Forum
Reports & Proposals of Board Members
Superintendent's Report
Consent Calendar
Consideration of Minutes
Consideration of Finance Reports
Consideration of Budget Amendments
Accounts Payable and Cash Disbursements
Tax Office
Budget to Actual
Consideration of Purchasing Reports
Consideration of Request for Proposal SPA RFP 02-2021: Commodities Processing Commercial Match (Extension)
Consideration of delegating of Board's contract awarding authority for RFP # 161.23 E-Rate Porter Elementary Additional WAN
Consideration to approve the Grocery Delivery Supplemental RFP 04-2022S III for SPA Cooperative for New Caney ISD and other participating districts
Consideration of Personnel Reports
Professional, Paraprofessional and Auxiliary: Resignations, reassignments, employment, substitute lists
Consideration of Contract Renewals for Administrators
Consideration of Annual 2021-2022 Texas Academic Performance Reports
Closed Meeting
Personnel Matters [Government Code 551.074]
Attorney Consultation [Government Code 551.071]
Deliberation Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property [Government Code 551.072]
Consideration of Approval of CPR 02 for Porter Elementary School Replacement for TxDot & Site Concrete Changes
Consideration of Hiring Principal of New Caney HIgh School