August 18, 2011 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Community Forum
V. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
V.A. Regular Meeting July 18, 2011
V.B. Special Called Meeting August 2, 2011
VI. Discuss and Consider Recording Board Meetings
VII. Consider Financial Report
VIII. Review Employee Handbook
IX. Review Student Handbook
X. Review Extracurricular Handbooks
XI. Approve Student Code of Conduct
XII. Approve the School Vendor List
XIII. Consider Chico High School Campus Intervention Team Internal Provider and External Provider
XIV. Public Hearing to Discuss the 2011-2012 Budget
Mike Jones
XV. Public Hearing to Discuss the Proposed Tax Rates
XV.A. M & O Tax Rate - $1.04
XV.B. I & S Tax Rate - .23858
XVI. Consider Approving Salary Schedules
XVII. Consider Approving School Budget
XVIII. Consider Approving Tax Rates
XVIII.A. Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate - $1.04
XVIII.B. Interest and Sinking Tax Rate - .23858
XIX. Consider Tax Roll Changes
XX. Consider Fund Balance Designations
XXI. Consider Graduation Requirements
XXI.A. EIA and EIC (LOCAL) Policies that Relate to the new End of Course (EOC) State Exams
XXII. Consider Expenditures
XXIII. Consider Budget Amendments
XXIV. Consider Bids and Proposals
XXV. Personnel Discussion per Texas Govt. Code 551.074
XXV.A. Resignations
XXV.B. Hiring Recommendations
XXV.C. Employee Discussion
XXVI. Adjourn