August 12, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Announcement by the Board whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been posted for the time and manner required by law.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
3. Public Meeting on 2014-15 Proposed Budget and Tax Rate
3.A. Proposed 2014-15 Budget
3.B. Proposed 2014-15 M&O Tax Rate
3.C. Proposed 2014-15 I&S Tax Rate
4. Public Participation as allowed by BED(LOCAL)
5. Consent Items
5.A. Approval of minutes of the regular meeting of the school board on July 8, 2014
5.B. Option 3 Contract for Reducing Wealth in 2014-15
5.C. EIE(LOCAL) Resolution for 2014-15
5.D. Vehicle Purchases
5.E. Superintendent Outside Consultant Services
5.F. Budget Amendments to Function Expenditures
5.G. 4-H Activities Considered for Extra-Curricular
5.H. Budget Amendments
6. Action Items
6.A. 2014-15 Budget
6.B. 2014-15 M&O and I&S Tax Rates
6.C. 2014-15 Goal Focus Areas
6.D. Student Success Initiative Waiver
7. Discussion Items
7.A. Superintendent Evaluation Process
7.B. Policy Update 100, affecting (LOCAL) policies:
CKE (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management Security Personnel CPC (LOCAL) Office Management Records Management CRD (LOCAL) Insurance and Annuities Management Health and Life Insurance DCB (LOCAL) Employment Practices Term Contracts DCD (LOCAL) Employment Practices At-Will Employment FDA (LOCAL) Admissions Interdistrict Transfers FL (LOCAL) Student Records GBAA (LOCAL) Information Access Requests for Information GKB (LOCAL) Community Relations Advertising and Fund Raising in the Schools |
8. Information Items
8.A. Annual Investment Report
8.B. State Accountability Ratings
9. Executive Session
9.A. Personnel: Superintendent's Formative Evaluation
10. Adjourn