March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establishment of Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag/Invocation
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Open Forum
5. Recognitions/Presentations/Board discusssion/Policy/Recommendations
5.a. Superintendent's Report
5.b. Live Oak Public Finance Presentation
5.c. Consider/Approve Bluebonnet Curriculum and Implementation Plan. (ACTION ITEM)
6. Election Forms
6.a. Consider/Approve the cost of conducting Election Services (Draft). (ACTION ITEM)
6.b. Consider/Approve the Contract for Elections Services WOISD May 3, 2025. (ACTION ITEM)
6.c. Consider/Approve the Joint Election Agreement with Kilgore College. (ACTION ITEM)
7. Financial matters
7.a. Cash & Investment Report
7.b. Budget Update
7.c. Budget Amendments (ACTION ITEM)
7.c.1. Consider/Approve asphalt bids. (ACTION ITEM)
7.c.2. Consider/Approve legal fees. (ACTION ITEM)
7.c.3. Consider/Approve increased services for Longview School of the Deaf. (ACTION ITEM)
7.c.4. Consider/Approve the Gregg County Library Donation. (ACTION ITEM)
7.c.5. Consider/Approve bids from auditors. (ACTION ITEM)
8. Minutes from previous meeting (ACTION ITEM)
9. Consider/Approve Live Oak Public Finance. (ACTION ITEM)
10. Closed Session
Description: Texas Government Code 551.074
Consideration of Personnel Matters pertaining to the superintendent, central administration, campus, and classroom teachers, including new hires, resignations, reassignments, and discipline. Discussion: I move that the White Oak Board of Trustees authorize the board president to prepare communication to the Superintendent as discussed in closed meeting. |
11. Personnel matters
11.a. Consider/Approve Teacher Contracts (ACTION ITEM)
11.b. Retirement(s)
11.c. Resignations
12. Adjournment