October 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Establishment of Quorum
2. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance/Pledge to the Texas Flag
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Open Forum
5. Recognitions/Presentations/Board discusssion/Policy/Recommendations
5.a. Campus Principals Report.
5.b. Superintendent's Report
5.c. Consider/Approve the quote from CDWG for network equipment. More precisely, wireless access points. They will replace 129 end of life access points we currently have in our system. CDWG was the winning bid at $101,047.74. (ACTION ITEM)
(The funds for the technology upgrade will be funded from the 2020 Bond balance.) |
6. Financial matters
6.a. Cash & Investment Report
6.b. Print Shop Report
6.c. Revenue/Utility/Expenditure Reports
6.d. Credit Card Report
6.e. Budget Amendments
6.e.1. Consider/Approve the purchase of AEDs for the cafeteria and golf cart batteries for the cafeteria golf carts; this is to spend down the fund balance per TDA. This is for the amount of $7,500. (ACTION ITEM)
6.e.2. Consider/Approve the library donation and allow a budget amendment to move the money into the HS library fund. The amendment is for $2,500 in miscellaneous revenue for the Library that was deposited into the miscellaneous revenue account. (ACTION ITEM)
6.f. Financial Board Report
7. Consider/Approve the minutes from the previous meeting (ACTION ITEM)
8. Closed Session
9. Personnel matters
9.a. Consider/Approve Hiring Charlene Combs as the Food Service Director. (ACTION ITEM)
9.a.1. Resignation of Jeanette McCray, Payroll & Benefits Coordinator.
10. Adjournment