August 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Opening Prayer, Welcome and Recognition of Visitors.
2. Roll Call, Establish Quorum
3. Acceptance of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Presentations
5.A. Budget Workshop
Melissa Marbut
7. Public Comment
8. Action Items:
8.A. Consider and take possible action to approve an ESSER funds enhancement for all employees for 2024-25 School Year for a one-time payment of $500.
8.B. Consider and take possible action to approve a Property Bid.
8.C. Consider and take possible action to approve German Club to stay overnight in Tulsa, Oklahoma on October 19, 2024.
Consider and take possible action to move the October 14th Board meeting to October 7th due to school holiday.
8.D. Consider and take possible action to approve an Innovative Course for the Middle School - General Employability Skills course.
8.E. Consider and take possible action to approve Extracurricular Hill County 4H Club for 24-25 School Year.
8.F. Consider and take possible action to approve 2024-25 Hill County JJAEP Memorandum of Understanding.
8.G. Consider and take possible action to approve Dual Credit agreement with Hill College.
8.H. Consider and take possible action to approve Update Local EIC (Academic Achievement Class Ranking).
8.I. Consider and take possible action to approve the Localized Policy Manual Update 123.
8.J. Consider and take possible action to approve TASB Property, Auto, Worker's Comp and unemployment Compensation.
8.K. Consider and take possible action to approve Student Code of Conduct Handbook for 24-25 School Year.
8.L. Consider and take possible action to approve Region 12 Contract for 24-25 School Year.
8.M. Consider and take possible action to approve the new price for 2024-25 School breakfast and lunch plates.
8.N. Consider and take possible action to increase the Employer Contribution for insurance premiums to $400 monthly.
8.O. Consider and take possible action to approve retainer fee for Eichelbaum, Wardell, Hansen, Powell & Munoz, P.C. for 2024-25 School Year.
9. Information Items:
10. Superintendent's Report:
10.A. Financial Statements
10.B. Payment of bills
10.C. Tax Report
10.D. Enrollment - 1426
10.E. Resignation/Retire: Amy Metcalf, Kristy Smith, Erica Morris, Katherine Brown, Amy Fox, Kara Pearson, Sara Massey, Tonya Ringo, Amber Fuchs, Josh Lessman, Dawnanita James
10.F. Legislative Update
10.G. Correspondence
11. Closed Session: The Board of Trustees will convene in Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 551 as amended, in accordance with the following sub section(s) : 551.071, 551.072 & 551.074
11.A. Grievance - James Finley
11.B. New Guardians
12. Action Items/Open Session
12.A. Consider and take possible action on the Level 3 Grievance.
12.B. Consider and take possible action to approve new Guardians.
13. Adjournment