August 2, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Shelia Redwine, Notary Public, will issue the Statement of Elected/Appointed Officer and the Oath of Office for Place 4
4. Discuss/Reject/Approve amendment to the 2020-21 budget
5. Information: Budget workshop
6. Information: Discussion of ESSER III Funds
7. Discuss/Reject/Approve school guidelines for the year 2021-22
8. Information: Discussion of dress code
9. Discuss/Reject/Approve Student Code of Conduct
10. Discuss/Reject/Approve for Reggy Spencer, Superintendent, to hire certified personnel for the next two weeks.
11. Discuss/Reject/Approve recommendations of certified staff
12. Adjournment